Flazko's True NFL Realism Sliders (Madden 17) - Operation Sports Forums

Flazko's True NFL Realism Sliders (Madden 17)

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Old 08-23-2016, 03:38 AM   #1
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Flazko's Arena
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Flazko's True NFL Realism Sliders (Madden 17)


Hey guys, I'm back! Last year was my first year sharing my take on realistic sliders and it was a huge success. They were one of the top rated threads here on Operation Sports and was the most downloaded slider set on Xbox One. I hope you all continue to enjoy my sliders this coming year in Madden 17.

Skill Level: All-Pro / All-Madden (Depends on Set)
Quarter Length: 15 Minutes (User Preference, must use between 10-15 mins to get proper amount of plays, but use what you like)
Play Clock: On
Accelerated Clock: On
Minimum Play Clock Time: 13 Seconds (Use 12-18 seconds)
Game Speed: Normal (Your choice)
Auto Flip Defensive Play Call: Off
Ball Hawk: Off
Auto Strafe: Off
Heat Seeker: Off
Switch Assist: User Preference
Coach Mode: Off
Injuries: 50
Fatigue: 65
Player Speed Parity Scale: 60, 90, 0

(60; Players get their separation and are dangerous with ball in hand or on deep balls but are not overpowering. The difference in Speeds are noticeable and there's a good chance for downfield bombs to be successful.

90; Footwork is amazing, Big Plays are earned and the game is more of a battle, Speed Ratings still matter but are not depended on. The downfield deep passes are still there but are much more rare to be successful. The NFL is said to be a "Game of Inches" and that's exactly what you will get with this setting.

0; With the setting at 0, there's no assist when it comes to speed. Player's true speed ratings are shown. Elite Speed players are more dangerous than ever and will leave you in the dust if given enough separation. The cpu will keep you on your toes when you're on defense, be aware of those speed RBs and WRs or you will pay for it!

Use what best suits your preferences.)


My Penalties may seem a bit high but penalties are a huge part of the game, they at times negate a big play / score or give a team a lucky break and a fresh set of downs.

Offside: 70
False Start: 55
Offensive Holding: 60
Defensive Holding: 75
Facemask: 55
Illegal Block In The Back: 50
Roughing The Passer: 50
Defensive Pass Interference: 70
Offensive Pass Interference: On
Kick Catch Interference: On
Intentional Grounding: On
Roughing The Kicker: On
Running Into The Kicker: On
*On a side note: When using minimum play clock run off (accelerated clock) between 10-13 seconds, you will see an occasional Delay of Game penalty called

Auto Subs

Use Fatigue between 60-65

Out / In

QB : 0/1
RB : 78/82
WR : 50/55
FB/TE : 20/25
OL : 0/1

DT : 89/93
DE : 89/93
LB : 80/85
CB : 10/15
S : 20/25

*Raise or Lower sliders to best fit your skill level or preference after playing a few games. Lower what is too difficult for you or Higher what you want to make more challenging. Only you can dictate exactly what results you are searching for and what will satisfy your preferences in gameplay.








Blue Set

(This set is specifically designed to produce the most organic realistic gameplay possible. This set is not designed to be "Hard" or "Easy" it's strictly designed to be "Organic".)

Use ALL-PRO Difficulty
Game Speed: Slow (Recommended)
Speed Parity Scale: 95
On Field Visual Feedback: OFF (This is a must)
All Assists OFF, except for Switch Assist! (This is a must)

User / CPU

QB Accuracy: 15/25
Pass Blocking: 50/50
Catching: 50/50

Run Blocking: 35/75
Fumbles: 50/50

Pass Reaction: 5/5
Interceptions: 45/45
Pass Coverage: 90/90

Tackling: 40/40

FG Power: 55/55
FG Accuracy: 35/35
Punt Power: 50/50
Punt Accuracy: 75/75
Kickoff Power: 60/60

Red Set


Use ALL-MADDEN Difficulty
Game Speed: Normal
Speed Parity Scale: 50
On Field Visual Feedback: OFF (This is a must for this set)
All Assists OFF, except for Switch Assist! (Recommended)

User / CPU

QB Accuracy: 5/5
Pass Blocking: 45/45
WR Catching: 40/40

Run Blocking: 50/50
Fumbles: 50/50

Reaction Time: 50/50
Interceptions: 40/40
Pass Coverage: 50/50

Tackling: 55/55

FG Power: 55/55
FG Accuracy: 35/35
Punt Power: 50/50
Punt Accuracy: 75/75
Kickoff Power: 60/60

*Bonus Slider Sets*

Flazko's True Simulation Set (All-Pro Version)

Logic: This set is purely to give a balanced gameplay between User and CPU and give you a true simulation game play for those who enjoy using All-Pro difficulty. You want a tough challenge without having to use All-Madden? This is for you. Adjust to your liking. Enjoy!

15 mins / 13 sec (or use 10 mins / 20 sec)
Game Speed: Normal
Injury: 45
Fatigue: 65
Speed Parity Scale: 50
On Field Visual Feedback: OFF
All Assists Off!

*My Penalties & Auto Subs*

User / CPU

QB Accuracy: 25/25
Pass Blocking: 50/50
WR Catching: 50/50

Run Blocking: 50/50
Fumbles: 50/50

Pass Reaction: 100/100
Interceptions: 35/35
Pass Coverage: 50/50

Tackling: 50/50

FG Power: 55/55
FG Accuracy: 35/35
Punt Power: 50/50
Punt Accuracy: 50/50
Kickoff Power: 50/50

Flazko's True Simulation Set (All-Madden Version)

Logic: This set is made to give you the best simulation style gameplay for those who enjoy All-Madden difficulty. It is intended to make the game balanced between the User and CPU without the boost All-Madden gives the CPU. Adjust to your liking. Enjoy!

15 mins / 13 sec (or 10 mins / 20 sec)
Game Speed: Normal or Slow (Your Choice. I use Slow.)
Injury: 45
Fatigue: 65
Speed Parity Scale: 50 (I Use 90.)
On Field Visual Feedback: Your Choice.
All Assists: Your Choice.

*My Penalties & Auto Subs*

User / CPU

QB Accuracy: 10/5
Pass Blocking: 65/40
WR Catching: 50/50

Run Blocking: 60/45
Fumbles: 55/55

Pass Reaction: 55/45
Interceptions: 30/30
Pass Coverage: 55/45

Tackling: 60/60

FG Power: 55/55
FG Accuracy: 35/35
Punt Power: 50/50
Punt Accuracy: 50/50
Kickoff Power: 50/50

Visual Feedback

Play Call Style: User Preference
On Field Visual Feedback: User Preference
Coaching Tips: Off
Camera Toggle: Off
Passing Cam: User Preference
Offense & Defense Camera Settings: Standard

XP Sliders

(These are TDawg's XP Sliders.)

Here's a link to his thread: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...d.php?t=887789

Player Progression Frequency: Every Four Weeks

Audio Settings

(These settings are to reflect watching a real NFL game on TV)

Master Volume - 100
In-Game Commentary - 95
Stadium Speakers - 75
Crowd Volume - 100
On The Field - 85
Menu Music - 50
Menu SFX - 50

What Does Flazko Use?

- I use my True Simulation Set (All-Madden Version) with Slow Game Speed and Speed Parity at 90.

- I am using my auto subs and penalties. (I don't believe they affect gameplay so adjusting these wouldn't hurt IMO. I like rotations and amount of penalties I'm seeing with them)

- Tdawg's XP Sliders.

- EA's Superbowl Week Roster Update.

We Dem Boyz

Last edited by Flazko; 03-01-2017 at 08:13 PM.
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Old 08-23-2016, 04:15 AM   #2
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Re: Flazko's True NFL Realism Sliders (Madden 17)

I'm back with a brand new set of sliders for Madden 17. There have been some nice additions to the game this year and slider tweaking shouldn't be too drastic, for the most part a lot of similarities in my set this year compared to last year. I used last year's set as a base and tweaked game after game until I found a fluid consistent gameplay. This year's madden feels much more fluid. Hope everyone enjoys my work, and as always feel free to leave feedback or share stats and experiences while using my set. Remember this is a video game so there will be some cheesy stuff every here and there. I've played 14 games and have not seen anything unusual so far. Everything looks great. Just an FYI, my penalty settings from last year's slider set work the exact same in this game. Of course I will tweak any setting or slider if needed but as of right now everything is smooth.
We Dem Boyz
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Old 08-23-2016, 04:49 AM   #3
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Re: Flazko's True NFL Realism Sliders (Madden 17)

Does the text have to be this freaking big?
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Old 08-23-2016, 05:21 AM   #4
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Re: Flazko's True NFL Realism Sliders (Madden 17)

Originally Posted by SexyJesusCooper
Does the text have to be this freaking big?
No, it doesn't but it doesn't matter how big it is.

If the text was in an ancient language that none of could decipher than we'd be in a pickle.
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Old 08-23-2016, 06:13 AM   #5
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Re: Flazko's True NFL Realism Sliders (Madden 17)

All looks good player QB accuracy at 8 seems very low....Game doesn't come out until Thursday over here in England but I shall be following your sliders.....

Last edited by ibroxroar67; 08-23-2016 at 06:49 AM.
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Old 08-23-2016, 10:36 AM   #6
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Re: Flazko's True NFL Realism Sliders (Madden 17)

Originally Posted by ibroxroar67
All looks good player QB accuracy at 8 seems very low....Game doesn't come out until Thursday over here in England but I shall be following your sliders.....
You can always match user qb accuracy to the cpu qb accuracy and put it to 36 if you are having a hard time but it's pretty good at 8 in a realistic challenging way.
We Dem Boyz
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Old 08-23-2016, 10:41 AM   #7
JKennedy87's Arena
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Re: Flazko's True NFL Realism Sliders (Madden 17)

Speed threshold at 90??! That seems insanely high. Is that what you used on last years?
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Old 08-23-2016, 10:46 AM   #8
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Re: Flazko's True NFL Realism Sliders (Madden 17)

Originally Posted by JKennedy87
Speed threshold at 90??! That seems insanely high. Is that what you used on last years?
Yes. You can take a look at my set from last year. I even have an explanation for this setting. Other people were a bit shocked like you then after trying they saw how much better it made the gameplay feel. Big plays are earned, just like in real life. Trust me you will not be caught down field by a linemen or any of that nonsense. It makes the movement a little more crisp and just like in real life, it makes you really try to pick plays that will outsmart the cpu so you can get those big plays, instead of just lobbing the ball down field over and over again. Give it a try. It feels much more like a real life game.
We Dem Boyz
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