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NBA 2K13 Impressions Thread

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Old 09-29-2012, 04:47 PM   #1
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NBA 2K13 Impressions Thread

Impressions only

No questions

Ill ban posters ignoring warnings

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As a reminder:

This thread is for those that have the game. If you don't have the game, you shouldn't be posting about the demo, questions you may have, etc.

And we are going to be giving out warnings to those that can't follow.

Last edited by Pared; 10-01-2012 at 03:34 PM.
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Old 09-29-2012, 04:50 PM   #2
Chi Til I Die.
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Re: NBA 2k13 Impressions Thread

Picked up my copy yesterday so had the whole day to play. Didn't try too many modes but i did play at least 7 full games.

Let's start off by saying that i've been playing since 2k5. These past few years have been a disappointment to me. 2k12 was IMO the worst out of the whole franchise and it really felt like they took a step BACKWARDS. From the " up and under fakes" , the way the CPU magically catches up to you no matter how big your lead is, the last second shots that go in, ..the list goes on. With that said, last night i was in basketball heaven. Might not be fair to judge it from a day of playing, but i can honestly say ..2k13 is THE best basketball game...ever. I'm usually the one to nitpick every little thing but for 2k13, i really couldn't find one at all. No matter how hard i tried to "cheese".. it didn't work.

The way the AI plays is beautiful. Teams play like they would and there's no standing around. I think Pared pointed this out in another thread but players really do play like themselves and 2k captured it perfectly. I had a game against the Cavs where Kyrie Irving totally destroyed me. I couldn't stay in front of him. He ended up with 32 points but the beauty of it was, he didn't jack up every single shot. He played smart, drove the lane.. when he saw defenders he kicked out . If he saw it was wide open hed do his signature fancy lay ups.

Only things i disliked were the face models and i felt like the graphics took a downgrade. BUT, the fluidity and how life like the players move made up for that. Besides, you really only notice it when they do close ups for free throws or something. Also, Shots seem to still go in at a high rate but sliders should be able to fix that easily.

All in all, 2k13 is the best basketball game ever, and you guys will not be disappointed. So be prepared to lose hours of sleep, and maybe your job. I'm writing this cause time is going by too slow and i can't wait to get home to play some 2k13!!
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Old 09-29-2012, 04:52 PM   #3
23's Arena
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The intro is wow...I know thats all MC

This is a real bootflow...all in game

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Old 09-29-2012, 05:14 PM   #4
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Re: NBA 2k13 Impressions Thread

SMH @ this game

People I simple don't know what or how to say it but, THIS GAME IS THE PERFECT F'N GAME!!!!!!!!

The Controls:
They did it, I mean from the post game, to the dribble & to the passing game... It all makes so much sence, you know what "made" 2k sports so damn good in the beginning? They always paid close attention to the small details (crowd, mascot, player signature moves & etc...).

Well now they have did the same & have focused a great deal of thought to the controls. Wow! When I am playing this game I feel like the controls are some how mentally connected to my mind, IE. I would move on the court in real life simular to the design of the controls (I hope that made sense).

This was so underated & overlooked in the pass games but now they have NAILED it!

How in the world can they top this next year!??!

Everything else is exactly what you have seen threw promo & youtube vids but however the controls are just something you can't "fully" grasp until you are experiencing it yourself (demo dosn't count).

My only con with this game is JAY-Z! How could they let him go "overboard" with the track selection & menu bling bling (it feels & looks ugly). There is so much Jay-Z that I just had to totaly mute the music audio. This was not a good look & they didn't need him to boost there sales.

My friends... 2k sports are a thing of genius, EA sports knew exactly what they were about to do with the football franchise (IE NBA live). I pray before I die or the world ends that we will have just one more football game from 2k (NFL or generic)!

Brilliant & I salute to the highest degree, my wife will miss me from this point on.... CPU off, XBOX 360 ON!
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Old 09-29-2012, 07:02 PM   #5
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Impressions only..apparently some posters don't read

Sorry to you guys who were trying to explain the lock...I'm not referring to you

The player highlights are when you go to the boxScore and highlight the player then hit x

Post moves are major fun

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Last edited by 23; 09-29-2012 at 07:06 PM.
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Old 09-29-2012, 07:36 PM   #6
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Re: NBA 2k13 Impressions Thread

got my copy earlt this morning, so far everones impression is spot on, especially with the presentations...the outside screenshot its soooo coool

my only harp has to be allen iverson

the guy looks like hes 36...wasnt we promised a younger 2001 version?

or the same allen iverson from 2k11 with a rating of 2001...

beside the obvious hiccup the game is golden...easily sports game of the year!!!
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Old 09-29-2012, 07:36 PM   #7
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Re: NBA 2k13 Impressions Thread

I really love the realism that they put, and it is appropriate it is now myCAREER. It seems like a more realistic career, with more interaction, and a better glimpse of the basics of the glamour of NBA life. What I love most is the new realism, from the new-and-improved controls, which allow a greater depth of moves, to the aspects of myCAREER which seem more realistic now, to the new drafting system of myCAREER, etc. etc.
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Old 09-29-2012, 08:26 PM   #8
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Re: NBA 2k13 Impressions Thread

I haven't played a ton yet but so far I love the soundtrack and you finally have access to all the camera angles in practice mode!!!!

This is huge for me as I love to practice plays and get my stick skills perfect for when I play in the games. I will finally get to use nosebleed camera!
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