Madden NFL 13 News Post

While most of the Madden NFL 13 news out of E3 seems to be positive, we now have something that could turn into a very big issue. Especially if you enjoy roster editing or use edited rosters created by others.

There seemed to be some confusion about edited rosters. More specifically, if edited rosters could be used in Connected Careers Mode.

I sent a few messages to Justin Dewiel, Community Manager at EA Sports earlier this afternoon and received the following responses.

You can edit rosters outside of CC. But you can’t bring them into CC.

If you start a new CCM career after one of Donny Moore’s releases you can start with that new roster.

Basically, we have to rely on Donny Moore's roster updates, throughout the season, instead of grabbing updated rosters from the many talented roster editors out there, or simply editing on our own.

Jean Adams, Art Director for Madden NFL 13, mentioned the following, in his presentation blog, which was posted in late April.

Mixing and matching the new NIKE uniforms, cleats, face masks, sleeves and other yet to be released gear will keep me and many gamers out there in edit player for hours.

Hmmm. I somehow doubt many gamers will be playing around much in edit player, if we can't use the edits in anything other than a Play Now session.

Josh Looman, Madden NFL 13 Senior Designer mentioned on Twitter the following glimmer of hope.

We just ran out of time. It will be in there at some point in the future.

Does he mean Madden NFL 14 or could the Madden NFL 13 team add the editing ability in a Title Update or fix the issue before its August 28th release date? I think I speak for everyone, when I say the sooner, the better.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Outkizast @ 06/11/12 06:34 PM
Still a total failure. I don't play ANY single play now games. Only franchise or "Connected Career" games because I want them to mean something.


Also, thanks EA for getting rid of offline franchise and making CC the ONLY career mode in the game and making it handicapped.
# 2 SteelerSpartan @ 06/11/12 06:37 PM
Just to be clear....

We can edit the same stuff as last year???Both Equipment and Ratings??

With the Non-CC file
# 3 Steve_OS @ 06/11/12 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan
Just to be clear....

We can edit the same stuff as last year???Both Equipment and Ratings??

With the Non-CC file
Yes, you can.
# 4 DeuceDouglas @ 06/11/12 06:40 PM
So to get this straight, can we bring the roster we edited in to CCM after one of Donny Moore's releases?

Or after his releases we can now start a CCM with his roster?
# 5 cletusdog @ 06/11/12 06:40 PM
So Frustrating. Donny had better do a MUCH better job. He doesn't have us to bail him out anymore. If a guy is on a roster, I wanna see it. If he is on the IR, I wanna see it. If he's on the practice squad, he'd at least better be in the FA pool.

Step up!
# 6 Steve_OS @ 06/11/12 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
So to get this straight, can we bring the roster we edited in to CCM after one of Donny Moore's releases?

Or after his releases we can now start a CCM with his roster?
After Donny releases a new roster update, we can use THAT roster, when starting a new CC.
# 7 Gotmadskillzson @ 06/11/12 06:42 PM
Still blows..........considering I don't like the way EA rates rosters and I have no choice but to use their roster in Connected Careers.
# 8 azdawgpound @ 06/11/12 06:45 PM
wow so u can only use the edited ones in play now? not in franchise? well looks like i wont be doing edited rosters in 13 then. i guess in a way they are trying take things away can't believe they took this option away i could see for online because u always have use EA's ones but if u play offline? it shouldnt matter if its edited.
# 9 SteelerSpartan @ 06/11/12 06:45 PM
Well they avoided a total catastrophe

But this is still a Major Major Blow

Now if we want to play offline franchise we have to use freaking Donny "I love to give 90+ Ratings" Moore's Rosters

The Power is Mine....ALL MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 10 ForUntoOblivionSoar∞ @ 06/11/12 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
You can edit rosters outside of Connected Careers. But you can’t bring them into Connected Careers.

If you start a new Connected Career after one of Donny Moore’s releases, you can start with that new roster.
:sigh: What is the point of being able to edit a roster but only use it for play now against the CPU? I'm sorry but that just makes no sense on anything remotely resembling an intelligent level.
# 11 ForUntoOblivionSoar∞ @ 06/11/12 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan
Well they avoided a total catastrophe

But this is still a Major Major Blow

Now if we want to play offline franchise we have to use freaking Donny "I love to give 90+ Ratings" Moore's Rosters
How is this not a total catastrophe? You can't use any rosters you edit in any mode except play now against the CPU. Just what the heck would be the point of that other than to waste valuable moments of your life?
# 12 moylan1234 @ 06/11/12 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Crisis averted at least partially

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
I seriously doubt it's been averted at all
# 13 DeuceDouglas @ 06/11/12 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
After Donny releases a new roster update, we can use THAT roster, when starting a new CC.
I'm still not too devastated by this but I feel for the people that are and the fact that you can edit rosters but only use them in play now does seem like a little twisting of the knife.
# 14 SteelerSpartan @ 06/11/12 06:55 PM

This now comes to mind when I think of Donny Moore and his new found intrusion power into my Video Game Football love

Lord Help Us!
# 15 Pacman83 @ 06/11/12 06:59 PM
Whats the point of creating/editing players, adding new equipment, and adding gameface?
Gameface only for basically SS mode, and edits for Play Now. I haven't seen anything on Create-A-Team, but thats pointless too, as if it wasn't already limited. I'm a pretty patient man, but Madden has taken away EVERY aspect of how I play away from me. From basically (All) Editing to 32 team control to imports (Classes & RTG). It's no longer MY league or even MY Division...I can barely control MY team. Why not just come to my house and play the game for me? Or put out a Madden Dvd for offline players? That way I really have no Control...because that's exactly what this feels like. I don't buy the game for anything else. And these franchise changes seem useless to me without Control.
# 16 ForUntoOblivionSoar∞ @ 06/11/12 07:01 PM
Good thing Madden 12 was a quality game. Not perfect, but certainly good enough to hold me over if 13 doesn't get these things worked out.
# 17 Gotmadskillzson @ 06/11/12 07:01 PM
Only way they can fix this problem for Madden 13 is for Donny Moore to completely change his philosophy when it comes to ratings. Such as the following:

USE THE ENTIRE 0 to 99 scale.

Stop giving so many players 90 plus speed.

Stop giving so many defenders play recognition, pursuit, hit power, tackling, block shedding ratings from 88 to 95.

Stop giving everybody high acceleration and agility ratings in the high 80s to mid 90s.

Stop giving players that weight 280 pounds and above 88 speed.

Stop giving 190 pound players 83 strength.

Stop giving so many players a jump rating in the 90s.

So I hope they use common sense this year when they rate the players, since it is their way or the high way. When you have so many players with over the top high ratings, it breaks the game. There is no organic flow to it if everybody have high acceleration, high speed, high agility. Every defender got the tackling ability of Dick Butkus. Every defensive back got the recovery speed of Deon Sanders.

Truly SPREAD OUT THE RATINGS. Use the entire 0 to 99 scale. Stop going from 60 to 99 only.
# 18 Outkizast @ 06/11/12 07:03 PM
Get rid of storylines, get rid of twitter feeds, get rid of legends, add player editing. Thanks.
# 19 azdawgpound @ 06/11/12 07:08 PM
im curious to who's idea this was? i can see taking stuff out if u are trying to fix it but ummmm last i checked there wasent nothing wrong with editing roster's. so like other ppl have posted donny better be on his toes and the roster and depth charts best be 100% or else this is gonna be a total fail on EA's part.
# 20 Pacman83 @ 06/11/12 07:09 PM
Has there been any explanation why? Anywhere?

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