Thanks to @DmanUnt2014 for the video footage and @IpodKingCarter for the images captured for details of the new NBA 2K14 Signature Skills listed below.
Chris Manning (@LD2K) also mentioned that the developers went in and tinkered with all of the original Signature Skills from last year, as they rebalanced and made sure they were more polished.
UPDATE: Just added all of the new NBA 2K14 Signature Skills screenshots, thanks to @LD2K.
- LeBron Coast to Coast (Available for pre-orders)
Takes the ball coast to coast and finishes through contact. Speed, Quickness and Ball-Handling attributes are boosted 4 points and the shot penalty enforced for hitting a defender is decreased when taking the ball coast to coast on a fastbreak following a change of possession.
- One Man Fastbreak
A player known for his ability to take the ball coast to coast on a fastbreak. Speed, Quickness and Ball-Handling attributes are boosted 6 points if this player takes the ball from one end of the court to another on a fastbreak following a change of possession.
- Pick Dodger
A player that does not get caught up on screens very easily. He counters the Brick Wall Signature Skill, and when hitting a screen set by a regular player, the screen often fails to be effective.
- Tenacious Rebounder
This player is known for his relentlessness when going for rebounds. During rebound situations, he receives up to a 50% increase in winning boxout battles and poking balls loose on rebounds.
- Flashy Passer
This player is known for accurate flashy passes. When throwing a flashy pass, the penalty enforced will be reduced by up to 60%.
- Screen Outlet
A player who excels as the receiver in the pick & roll / pop game. If this player shoots immediately following a screen he set, he receives up to a 4 point boost to his shooting attribute.
- Pick & Roll Maestro
A ball-handler who excels at orchestrating the pick & roll. As the point man in a pick & roll, immediately following a screen this player receives a 3 point boost to his shooting attribute and is more accurate than most when passing to the screener.