NBA Live 14 News Post

To gear up for the release of two next-generation consoles in the next two weeks – and the first release of an NBA Live title in four years - Episode 56 of the Press Row Podcast features a complete, unedited recording of host Rich Grisham’s (@richgrisham) sit-down with three NBA Live development team members for the first hands-on play time with the game. You’ll hear Executive Producer Sean O’Brien’s (@seanobs) take on the state of the franchise, producer Ryan Ferwerda (@ryanferwerda) go through all of the game’s features, and designer Scott O’Gallagher (@scottogallagher) take Rich through the controls and play a couple of games. It’s a fascinating peek into how the game is slowly breaking out of its mystery-shrouded shell as it prepares for release on November 19th.

NOTE: Sean mentions the demo will be available at launch of the PS4, that was later corrected. The NBA Live 14 demo will arrive on the same day it hits store shelves, November 19th.

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Enjoy the show!

Run Time: 1 Hour, 18 Minutes

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Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
NBA Live 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 bowld @ 11/11/13 08:10 PM
Just listened to portions of this. At the 1 hour, 14 minute mark the dev's clearly state they aren't totally in love with the game and are excited for 2015 and 2016. I figured this game was a WIP and this confirmed it which is likely why they arent showing videos.
# 2 BiggD @ 11/11/13 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by bowld
Just listened to portions of this. At the 1 hour, 14 minute mark the dev's clearly state they aren't totally in love with the game and are excited for 2015 and 2016. I figured this game was a WIP and this confirmed it which is likely why they arent showing videos.
I just don't get EA, how many years does it take????? seriously you can't expect the consumer to keep throwing there money at you cause its EA SPORTS and we are working towards something in 3 years!!! get real, you have been saying that for 4 years already
# 3 King_B_Mack @ 11/11/13 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by BiggD
I just don't get EA, how many years does it take????? seriously you can't expect the consumer to keep throwing there money at you cause its EA SPORTS and we are working towards something in 3 years!!! get real, you have been saying that for 4 years already
Longer than that, but point taken.

I'll still download the demo and give it a try. I still have the Elite demo on my 360, so I'll definitely give them a shot.
# 4 xman2k @ 11/11/13 08:58 PM
We can't see the game yet we can hear that it still doesn't sound good. Classic EA commentary
# 5 grodbetatted @ 11/11/13 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by BiggD
I just don't get EA, how many years does it take????? seriously you can't expect the consumer to keep throwing there money at you cause its EA SPORTS and we are working towards something in 3 years!!! get real, you have been saying that for 4 years already
Well seeing that each year they started new and didn't continue from where they left off they got one year of development like 2k
# 6 jarvis1104 @ 11/11/13 09:09 PM
He said he was proud but not satisfied, I see no problem with this. I have no intentions to buy the game but considering where they started from, EA has probably made a lot of progress. Wouldn't expect him to be as confident as 2k the first time around.
# 7 bigeastbumrush @ 11/11/13 09:29 PM
-No Practice Mode
-Commentary has tons of dead air. Sounds like Jeff Van Gundy only speaks when there is a scored basket.
-Halftime sounds long which is good.
-The coach mic'd up at halftime sounds good.
-Scott O'Gallagher sounds like he added a lot of controls than was in Live 10 (Euro Step was double-tap on the Y button).
-The guy playing/reviewing it didn't sound impressed with the animations. He specifically asked if they would update the animations after the game is released.
-There is a 7-game playoff series mode that you can play head-to-head online with someone else.
# 8 grodbetatted @ 11/11/13 09:33 PM
Well I like how people listened to bits and pieces of the podcast and only picking out the bad. 2k fans want live to fail so bad why can't w have two good basketball games
# 9 bigeastbumrush @ 11/11/13 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by grodtooreal
Well I like how people listened to bits and pieces of the podcast and only picking out the bad. 2k fans want live to fail so bad why can't w have two good basketball games
Are you referring to me?

And did you listen to it?
# 10 richgrisham @ 11/11/13 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
-No Practice Mode
-Commentary has tons of dead air. Sounds like Jeff Van Gundy only speaks when there is a scored basket.
-Halftime sounds long which is good.
-The coach mic'd up at halftime sounds good.
-Scott O'Gallagher sounds like he added a lot of controls than was in Live 10 (Euro Step was double-tap on the Y button).
-The guy playing/reviewing it didn't sound impressed with the animations. He specifically asked if they would update the animations after the game is released.
-There is a 7-game playoff series mode that you can play head-to-head online with someone else.
Hi guys - Rich here. I want to make an important note here.

The sections of "dead air" you hear when we first start are because they turned off the rules of the game (i.e. no shot clock) so Scott could show me all the moves. So for long stretches of time there's no commentary because nothing is happening of interest on the court.

Once the rules get turned on, you hear Breen and Van Gundy's commentary pick up noticeably.

Of all the things I was impressed with, the overall presentation and commentary were at the top of the list.
# 11 ccoaxum @ 11/11/13 09:49 PM
That's what I thought what happen cause I actually listen to everything that was going on...smh some on hear lol
# 12 bigeastbumrush @ 11/11/13 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by richgrisham
Hi guys - Rich here. I want to make an important note here.

The sections of "dead air" you hear when we first start are because they turned off the rules of the game (i.e. no shot clock) so Scott could show me all the moves. So for long stretches of time there's no commentary because nothing is happening of interest on the court.

Once the rules get turned on, you hear Breen and Van Gundy's commentary pick up noticeably.

Of all the things I was impressed with, the overall presentation and commentary were at the top of the list.
Thanks for clarifying.

Can you address the animations? Why did you ask if they could update animations after release? Were the animations not up to par because that's exactly what it sounded like.
# 13 fluent2332 @ 11/11/13 09:57 PM
The game sounds incredibly deep. The controls especially. It seems like we will have a ton of little things to learn and work with, which is nice.
# 14 richgrisham @ 11/11/13 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Thanks for clarifying.

Can you address the animations? Why did you ask if they could update animations after release? Were the animations not up to par because that's exactly what it sounded like.
Sure. While the game played smoothly from possession to shot as you move across the court, I noticed that things got a bit shaky camera-wise and animation-wise during the moments when players were going for rebounds. That seems to be when the absolute most is happening on the screen at once and was the roughest part of my time with the game. If they're able to smooth that out post-launch, that will address my biggest concern.

Based on what I played, though, I am excited to have my hands on the full game. There's a lot going on, and, as you can tell, the guys are passionate about their game.

I love NBA 2K too, and more than anything I am excited for two next-gen basketball games. Perhaps that's coloring my opinion a bit, but everyone will have it in their hands in a week. So there's that!
# 15 ccoaxum @ 11/11/13 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Thanks for clarifying.

Can you address the animations? Why did you ask if they could update animations after release? Were the animations not up to par because that's exactly what it sounded like.
I felt like he asked that question because they was saying they update just everything including hair style which is different
# 16 ccoaxum @ 11/11/13 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by richgrisham
Sure. While the game played smoothly from possession to shot as you move across the court, I noticed that things got a bit shaky camera-wise and animation-wise during the moments when players were going for rebounds. That seems to be when the absolute most is happening on the screen at once and was the roughest part of my time with the game. If they're able to smooth that out post-launch, that will address my biggest concern.

Based on what I played, though, I am excited to have my hands on the full game. There's a lot going on, and, as you can tell, the guys are passionate about their game.

I love NBA 2K too, and more than anything I am excited for two next-gen basketball games. Perhaps that's coloring my opinion a bit, but everyone will have it in their hands in a week. So there's that!
Yea I remember you saying that in the last podcast does the rebounding reminds you of elite animations cause those looked really bad in that demo?.not sure if you remember that demo lol I'm sure a lot of ppl do tho
# 17 tedus @ 11/11/13 10:08 PM
From what I heard !!
1. game is solid!!
2. control is deep (pass : lob, power, bounce...) & response is good
3. half time & post game is solid (I heard it is much longer than 2K)
4. commentary is solid
5. the atmosphere is the king !!(crowd sounds good --Jame in cavalier got boo~~ )
I wanna see the video now!! Please!!!
# 18 bigeastbumrush @ 11/11/13 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by ccoaxum
I felt like he asked that question because they was saying they update just everything including hair style which is different
Nah, he knew what I meant.

Originally Posted by richgrisham
Sure. While the game played smoothly from possession to shot as you move across the court, I noticed that things got a bit shaky camera-wise and animation-wise during the moments when players were going for rebounds. That seems to be when the absolute most is happening on the screen at once and was the roughest part of my time with the game. If they're able to smooth that out post-launch, that will address my biggest concern.

Based on what I played, though, I am excited to have my hands on the full game. There's a lot going on, and, as you can tell, the guys are passionate about their game.

I love NBA 2K too, and more than anything I am excited for two next-gen basketball games. Perhaps that's coloring my opinion a bit, but everyone will have it in their hands in a week. So there's that!

And you were right about JVG. He did say more as the game/action went on. Breen also sounded good. Very animated.

And the crowd chants were nice and loud. Better than I expected they would be.
# 19 ccoaxum @ 11/11/13 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Nah, he knew what I meant.


And you were right about JVG. He did say more as the game/action went on. Breen also sounded good. Very animated.

And the crowd chants were nice and loud. Better than I expected they would be.
They always had good crowd sounds
# 20 grodbetatted @ 11/11/13 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Are you referring to me?

And did you listen to it?
I actually did listen to the whole podcast.

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