To gear up for the release of two next-generation consoles in the next two weeks – and the first release of an NBA Live title in four years - Episode 56 of the Press Row Podcast features a complete, unedited recording of host Rich Grisham’s (@richgrisham) sit-down with three NBA Live development team members for the first hands-on play time with the game. You’ll hear Executive Producer Sean O’Brien’s (@seanobs) take on the state of the franchise, producer Ryan Ferwerda (@ryanferwerda) go through all of the game’s features, and designer Scott O’Gallagher (@scottogallagher) take Rich through the controls and play a couple of games. It’s a fascinating peek into how the game is slowly breaking out of its mystery-shrouded shell as it prepares for release on November 19th.
NOTE: Sean mentions the demo will be available at launch of the PS4, that was later corrected. The NBA Live 14 demo will arrive on the same day it hits store shelves, November 19th.
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Enjoy the show!
Run Time: 1 Hour, 18 Minutes
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