NBA Live 15 News Post

Here are a few more NBA Live 15 screenshots of John Wall, Dwight Howard, and Victor Oladipo. Thanks Jellychen23!

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Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 13 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/17/14 11:35 AM
John Wall on Point
# 2 RICH72601 @ 09/17/14 11:36 AM
These look good. The collar of the jerseys still seem a bit off to me. I think the lighting needs to be warmer to really enhance the player models.
# 3 cthurt @ 09/17/14 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by RICH72601
These look good. The collar of the jerseys still seem a bit off to me. I think the lighting needs to be warmer to really enhance the player models.
I agree there is something off about the collar of jerseys in this game but I am not sure what it is, I think they may be too wide.
# 4 23 @ 09/17/14 11:58 AM
Looks like Dwight has breasts.. jerseys are off. The collars are nerfed and is apparent when I saw that picture of Paul Pierce this morning and now this. .. It's weird looking

It looks like all the players have chest issues in the jerseys last year and this year

And why did oladipos forearm look like popeyes? serious question

Id also like to see this in action in more raw video and not throw more screens instead.
# 5 SageInfinite @ 09/17/14 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Looks like Dwight has breasts.. jerseys are off. The collars are nerfed and is apparent when I saw that picture of Paul Pierce this morning and now this. .. It's weird looking

It looks like all the players have chest issues in the jerseys last year and this year

And why did oladipos forearm look like popeyes? serious question

Id also like to see this in action in more raw video and not throw more screens instead.
LMAO@breasts. I like the graphics this year. Big improvement over that PS3/360 game they put out last year.
# 6 The 24th Letter @ 09/17/14 12:04 PM
The Chris Paul model set the bar too high I think...these don't look bad at all though.

Someone mentioned this before, but it does seem the shoes, accessories and jerseys aren't on the same level of detail.
# 7 King_B_Mack @ 09/17/14 12:09 PM
Faces really are superb. The jerseys just take you out of the immersion though.
# 8 DIRK41NOWITZKI @ 09/17/14 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Looks like Dwight has breasts.. jerseys are off. The collars are nerfed and is apparent when I saw that picture of Paul Pierce this morning and now this. .. It's weird looking

It looks like all the players have chest issues in the jerseys last year and this year

And why did oladipos forearm look like popeyes? serious question

Id also like to see this in action in more raw video and not throw more screens instead.

Can you post the pierce screenshot?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 9 23 @ 09/17/14 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by DIRK41NOWITZKI
Can you post the pierce screenshot?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can't right now because I'm on tapatalk. Check the NBA forums you'll see it posted by excarraba
# 10 The 24th Letter @ 09/17/14 12:18 PM
# 11 jnb5001 @ 09/17/14 12:38 PM
Can't wait. I'm getting both games. Both bring good and different things for basketball enthusiasts! I just got a xbox one with madden and can't wait for the hoop season of gaming.
# 12 jnb5001 @ 09/17/14 12:39 PM
Can't wait. I'm getting both games. Both bring good and different things for basketball enthusiasts! I just got a xbox one with madden and can't wait for the hoop season of gaming.
# 13 UNabomb @ 09/17/14 02:00 PM
By just looking at those pictures, you can really tell that the hunchback posture hasn't been fix yet SMH.
# 14 sega2k @ 09/17/14 02:27 PM
John Wall needs some more work..Dwight looks fine and so does Oladipo..
# 15 videlsports @ 09/17/14 02:57 PM
Face scanning tech on point, we need to see the gameplay because we rarely get to see faces unless it's cutscences, wipes, etc. But as far as the scans Looks real
# 16 bballshawn24 @ 09/17/14 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Looks like Dwight has breasts.. jerseys are off. The collars are nerfed and is apparent when I saw that picture of Paul Pierce this morning and now this. .. It's weird looking

It looks like all the players have chest issues in the jerseys last year and this year

And why did oladipos forearm look like popeyes? serious question

Id also like to see this in action in more raw video and not throw more screens instead.
2k fanboy much?
# 17 23 @ 09/17/14 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by bballshawn24
2k fanboy much?
Nope just pointing out what I see that sticks out to me from both the pics and video from the trailer.

If you'd like to make a case on the contrary feel free.
# 18 Bowinkle08 @ 09/17/14 03:45 PM
looks good. you can see the difference in the players body types
# 19 nick_sr @ 09/17/14 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Real or video game pierce?๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ simply breathtaking!!!!
# 20 Kottonmouthklla @ 09/17/14 03:59 PM
I like how you can see the texture and detail on howards jersey looks nice. Dont like the floating of the jersey in that picture but if thats the biggest problem i'm not complaining. Hoping for no hunchbacks this year. I got to give it to the art team this year visually the game looks fantastic i cant say that enough times.

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