NBA 2K15 News Post

2K has submitted their NBA 2K15 patch to Sony and Microsoft to address one of the biggest issues online at The Park. Players were repeatedly getting blue screen CE-34878-0 errors and getting booted to the dashboard.

While there are other fixes in the patch, they haven't given any other details. Below are a few tweets from 2KSupport and LD2K. We should see the patch sometime this week.

#NBA2K15 patch has been submitted to Sony/MSFT, aimed at addressing (among other things) being booted off #MyPARK. Available in coming days.

New patch looks to address a ton. We're keeping our eye on ALL of your feedback & dev. team is working hard on remaining issues.

Dev. has some fixes incoming for existing auction house issues as well. Also working on pre-order issues where some users didn't receive it.

If any other details are released, we will update this post.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 tsbmolina @ 10/15/14 01:47 PM
I'm looking forward to all the fixes to what is already a triple a game.

# 2 The 24th Letter @ 10/15/14 01:54 PM
Wasn't expecting it to come this fast, cool.

I know it can sit 1-2 weeks with MS\SONY...looking forward to it.
# 3 El_Poopador @ 10/15/14 01:56 PM
Curious as to what is being addressed. Looking forward to patch details.
# 4 thedream2k13 @ 10/15/14 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by tsbmolina
I'm looking forward to all the fixes to what is already a triple a game.

Triple A a lot if issues ....
# 5 Nathan_OS @ 10/15/14 01:58 PM
I'm hoping this fixes the Putbacks issue and the crowd. And just a couple of glitches in the game.

2K's moving fast.
# 6 iamdl @ 10/15/14 02:00 PM
Hopefully it fixes tattoos not showing in My Career.
# 7 jeremym480 @ 10/15/14 02:00 PM
I'm looking forward to the deets.

Just tone down rebounds/putbacks for the CPU, tune the CPU's drafting logic and fix a couple of presentation issues like the end of the game highlights not showing up and the overlay's missing and the game should be golden for me.
# 8 DirtyJerz32 @ 10/15/14 02:01 PM
Not surprised it's on the way. Most games that come out have some sort of day 1 patch lined up. Companies trying to beat deadlines often has patches lined up on release day. Just glad they recognized these issues already.
# 9 StickSkillz @ 10/15/14 02:01 PM
MyCareer needs a major patch for a couple issues that are really killing a great game mode for me
# 10 reptilexcq @ 10/15/14 02:01 PM
Online fix w/ record reset please. The client server kicking you out (giving you losses) need to be dealt with.

Fix the refs delaying giving you the ball
Fix the stats overlay missing (i hope this doesn't interrupt with whatever you want to do on screen). This thing popping up delaying your access to substitution and strategy are pretty annoying in previous version.
Fix the Player Of The Game.
Nosebleed cam missing in online ranked game.
Also please fix this: After every game ended in online ranking, it kicked you out and give you option to quit? What was that about? And if you quit, it says it has an effect on your record. But i never chose quit to begin with...why would i quit...iam the winner here lol.
# 11 tru11 @ 10/15/14 02:03 PM
would be nice if i can now connect to my friend with my US game and he with his EU game.......

silly desync issues
# 12 shellsgot86 @ 10/15/14 02:04 PM
How about gameplay?? My career?? Team mates can't hit not shots. The cpu dont miss!! Our team mates badges dont work but every body is clutch. The dunk animation is broken!!!
# 13 Clarityman @ 10/15/14 02:07 PM
I like that they're fixing "a ton." That's encouraging. A ton needs to be fixed.

Hopefully I'll be getting Player of the Game in PS4 at the end of 12 minute quarters soon. Also echo the sentiment that the crowd needs to be better, they're just so quiet this year, even after adjusting the slider.
# 14 Steve_OS @ 10/15/14 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by shellsgot86
How about gameplay?? My career?? Team mates can't hit not shots. The cpu dont miss!! Our team mates badges dont work but every body is clutch. The dunk animation is broken!!!
As mentioned by Ronnie, there are other things that will be fixed. Not sure when they will release those details, but when they do, we will update the post. No need to go nuts until that info is released.
# 15 Bull_Market @ 10/15/14 02:15 PM
If I had to guess, should drop next Tuesday. Cant wait.
# 16 Goffs @ 10/15/14 02:26 PM
Eh? So soon? Nice...
# 17 ricardo.13 @ 10/15/14 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by LetTheBoysShoot
Hopefully the online input delay is addressed.
# 18 Charizard @ 10/15/14 02:41 PM
My League Team color glitch
CPU Points in the Paint!

My only gripes with 2K15

Other than that Im really enjoying MyLeague
MyGM is too hard IMO plus MyLeague has wayyy more customiseable options
# 19 extremeskins04 @ 10/15/14 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by reptilexcq
Online fix w/ record reset please. The client server kicking you out need to be dealt with.

Fix the refs delaying giving you the ball
Fix the stats overlay missing
I concur with these fixes. The delay the refs have probably goes along with the stats overlay missing. Needs to be fixed.
# 20 nyk_fatboy @ 10/15/14 02:44 PM
Thank goodness

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