Is PGA Tour 2K25 Crossplay? Answered

Everything you need to know about crossplay in PGA Tour 2K25.

PGA Tour 2K25 is an extremely enjoyable experience if you’re a solo player, as there’s plenty of game modes to play, mechanics to master, and gear to acquire. You can get hundreds of hours out of the game playing by yourself in online or offline modes. However, that’s quite a lonely road, and some players might want a friend or even a competitor to play 2K25 with at some point. While you can always play with friends on the same platform as you, what about friends on different platforms?

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The ability to play with people on a different platform than you is referred to as “crossplay,” and it’s become a staple mechanic across the gaming industry. Of course, some developers choose not to include crossplay or have another reason for not including it in their game. So, does PGA Tour 2K25 offer crossplay, and if it does, how can you use it to play with your friends?

Does PGA Tour 2K25 Have Crossplay?

Fortunately for all you players who have a system different from your friend group, PGA Tour 2K25 does offer full crossplay support. This means that you can play with any player regardless of what platform you’re on and what platform they’re on.

Of course, this also means that you can get matched up with players on other systems in online play, and that’s not something that some players might want. For example, if you’re on PlayStation or Xbox and you get matched up with a PC player in Ranked Play, there’s always a chance that player could be using cheats of some sort. While 2K25 does have an anti-cheat, it’s been known to fail at catching every single cheat that might try to wiggle its way into the game via a player’s account.

This is the first time that crossplay has been included in PGA Tour at a game’s launch, and it’s likely because the developers have decided to drop the last-generation consoles. The PS4 and Xbox One don’t support 2K25, and these consoles could be the reason crossplay took so long to implement in the franchise. With those consoles out of the way this year, though, crossplay is now a fully supported feature.

Unfortunately, trying to play with friends on other systems can get a little tricky, as you can’t simply invite them from your system’s friends list. Instead, you need to use a different process that involves a 2K account. You can read more about how to use crossplay to play with friends below.

How To Use Crossplay In PGA Tour 2K25

If you picked up PGA Tour 2K25 for PlayStation 5 and you have a friend on Xbox Series X, for example, you need to know how to add and invite that friend to your game to be able to play with them. As you can’t use your system’s default friends list, though, you have to use another method to add friends through crossplay.

You can see that process in the steps below:

  • Before doing anything in-game, you need to ensure that you have created a 2K account and it’s linked to the console account that you’re using to play 2K25
  • You can check this by going to 2K, logging into/creating a profile, and then going to the Connections tab in your profile
  • Here, you can see all the accounts you have linked. If you need to link your console account, select your console’s name and go through the linking process
  • Once you’re done with that, make sure the friend you’re trying to add has done the same thing
  • With that out of the way, go to the main menu in PGA Tour 2K25
  • Find the “Social” tab and then tab over to the 2K Friends List tab from the Social menu
  • Press Y/Triangle (which is at the bottom of the screen) to search for a friend’s 2K account
  • Enter your friend’s 2K account name and then press “Request” to send them a friend request
  • Have your friend accept the request, and once they do, their name should appear on your 2K Friends List
  • From here, click on their name and then invite them to your session, or you can join theirs if their session isn’t set to “Private”
  • The Social menu allows you to set your party preferences, so you can make it public for anyone to join or private, which requires an invite to join

Some players have reported that their 2K account doesn’t show they’ve linked it to their console account, while others report that the ability to add a 2K friend doesn’t appear for them. The system looks to be a little finicky, but hopefully, future patches solve those issues.

If the steps worked for you, then you know exactly how to add and invite your friends on different platforms in PGA Tour 2K25.

Can You Disable Crossplay In PGA Tour 2K25?

Finally, the last question you might have about crossplay in PGA Tour 2K25 is whether or not you can disable the feature. This is more prevalent for console players who don’t want to deal with PC players, but some gamers simply like to stick to their own system.

Luckily, you can disable crossplay in 2K25. However, this option only exists for PlayStation and Xbox players. PC requires crossplay to be enabled at all times, as far as I can tell.

If you’re on console, all you have to do to turn off crossplay is go to your console’s settings. This takes place outside of the game. On Xbox, head into Privacy Settings and disable crossplay from there. On PlayStation, go to the account and network settings and find the option for crossplay there to disable it. This ensures you will only be matched up with online players who are on the same system as you.

And that’s everything there is to know about crossplay in PGA Tour 2K25. The mechanic isn’t perfect, as you need to go through some hoops to take advantage of it, but at least it’s here at launch and not arriving halfway through the game’s life cycle.

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