Madden NFL 17 News Post

Gator has posted a couple of Madden NFL 17 videos. The first one showing off the new halftime presentation in the game.

The second Madden NFL 17 video shows off some gameplay, including "Ice the Kicker".

Game: Madden NFL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 sir psycho @ 06/20/16 05:56 PM
Ooh, I think I'm definitely going to like the ice the kicker feature.
# 2 SolidSquid @ 06/20/16 06:02 PM
Wow icing the kicker is gonna be fun
# 3 Reed1417 @ 06/20/16 06:09 PM
That ice the kicker is nice. I was under the impression that the whole meter would go away when it was explained awhile back. But I can't complain about it. I'll have to see how it feels when I actually play for myself.

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# 4 goillini03 @ 06/20/16 06:10 PM
Cannot watch the videos, but is the ice the kicker feature like the one that Was used in NCAA?

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# 5 ATLBrayden @ 06/20/16 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by goillini03
Cannot watch the videos, but is the ice the kicker feature like the one that Was used in NCAA?

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Nope, the meter disappears right before you tap the button for accuracy. The zooming in really close to the kicker is similar though.

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# 6 Junior Moe @ 06/20/16 06:45 PM
I like everything I have seen of M17 so far. That said, I hope they tamp down the frequency of those inexplicable penalties on scores or first downs. Not saying that one was but I can't tell you how many times my players have committed a penalty (always holding) at the EXACT moment I get a first down or beat the last defender for a TD. I mean I have seen stuff like my full back (or any other player) 30 yards behind the play just turn and and hold a guy for no reason. I can accept it if the player is actively blocking for me to seal that big run or catch. But that kinda stuff just feels cheap. I hope they tweaked the frequency this year.
# 7 TheGentlemanGhost @ 06/20/16 07:03 PM
Icing the kicking shouldn't be a feature. It's not like it's something that usually even effects kickers irl generally. I don't like the idea of adding any Icing the Kicker handicap. 9 out of 10 times a coach tries to ice a kicker, and he misses the attempt if the snap still goes off and then makes it after the icing lol.

It seems really off the mark to actually make Icing the Kicker hurt your accuracy when it rarely ever works. I always wonder why coaches even bother trying to do it still.
# 8 SonsUfPonarchy @ 06/20/16 07:06 PM
I won't make too much of it, cause I understand it's a WIP, but with all due respect to the narrator of the video there is no discernible difference in the passing game between this video and '16. The narrator mentions the deep ball PI call as not being in '16, but I have gotten that call numerous times in the game.

As far as the presentation, the smaller animations for the coaches and new intros are nice, but I don't get the emphasis on the Halftime Show for this video when it's only slightly improved over past year's versions.
# 9 Rams_3 @ 06/20/16 07:24 PM
Gotta give credit where credit is due. The game looks improved over 16. I'm loving all the new additions.
# 10 reyes the roof @ 06/20/16 08:01 PM
This is a nitpick, but if they're trying to emulate an NFL broadcast style statline for their halftime show, it should read TD not TDS, even if they've scored multiple TDs
# 11 kingsofthevalley @ 06/20/16 08:09 PM
I don't mind because I had no major problem with the halftime in 16, but can someone tell me what was different? I saw zero difference between 16s halftime and this one.
# 12 brandon27 @ 06/20/16 08:25 PM
Lookin good!
# 13 rkocjay @ 06/20/16 08:26 PM
best thing about these videos i can see what i (as a plyer) needs to improve on. ex like getting rid of the ball sooner
# 14 Cowboy008 @ 06/20/16 08:29 PM
Icing the kicker looks good.
# 15 extremeskins04 @ 06/20/16 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by SonsUfPonarchy

As far as the presentation, the smaller animations for the coaches and new intros are nice, but I don't get the emphasis on the Halftime Show for this video when it's only slightly improved over past year's versions.
I didn't even noticed it being improved honestly. I've pretty much given up on getting a good Halftime Show. I don't even care anymore cause it still isn't as good as.....well you know.

I've moved on. Not ever expecting it.
# 16 Da-Man @ 06/20/16 11:01 PM
I really wish for the halftime show they should would show the FULL play and from a BROADCAST cam angle just like on tv or that football game that came out in 2004.

I read somewhere that EA wanted to do their own style of presentation that the real networks wished they could do but there are reasons the real networks don't show zoomed/close-up 3 second replays at halftime...
1. It doesn't tell the whole story of the play and 2. It's very very annoying to watch.
# 17 ginix @ 06/20/16 11:27 PM
I find it funny that icing the kicker is a thing now, instead of 9 or so years ago when it was all the rage.

Hasn't it been proven that icing the kicker makes an insignificant difference at best?
# 18 PVarck31 @ 06/20/16 11:29 PM
If it wasn't in the game people would be saying "Hey EA, if its in the game, its in the game, right?" I've heard plenty of people request this type of feature before.
# 19 SolidSquid @ 06/20/16 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by TheGentlemanGhost
Icing the kicking shouldn't be a feature. It's not like it's something that usually even effects kickers irl generally. I don't like the idea of adding any Icing the Kicker handicap. 9 out of 10 times a coach tries to ice a kicker, and he misses the attempt if the snap still goes off and then makes it after the icing lol.

It seems really off the mark to actually make Icing the Kicker hurt your accuracy when it rarely ever works. I always wonder why coaches even bother trying to do it still.
Agreed but at the same time this a video game and A) kicking has been too easy for years. B) this gives that sense of pressure when the games riding on a kick that we've really never had the past 2 generations.
# 20 deezycobain @ 06/21/16 12:32 AM
i really despise how in so many views and instances all the players are walking on AIR, or floating around... that bothers me most....

with that said the animations are most definitely becoming less robotic and more fluid very happy so far...

alllllsssoooo... is that how the new overlays are going to look? all bare and minimal? if so I LOVE IT

good job EA.... getting there

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