The new DIRT 5 Wild Spirits content pack and patch 6.00 are available today for all platforms. The content pack includes the Ford Bronco 2021 Wildtrak, Prodrive Hunter, 25 career events, two new player sponsors, customization items and much more.
The Wild Spirits Content Pack is included in DIRT 5 Amplified/Year One Edition, or purchasable separately from online stores for $7.99.
DIRT 5 patch 6.00 includes two brand new tracks, more Playgrounds and gameplay tweaks. Check out the patch notes below.
- Wild Spirits Content Pack: Two new cars (Ford Bronco Wildtrak 2021, ProDrive Hunter), 25 new Career events, two new Player Sponsors, more liveries and additional customization items. This pack is included in DIRT 5 Amplified/Year One Edition or purchasable separately
- Two new Morocco Stampede circuits, Ait Ojana and Tinghir, with reverse variants
- Five additional iconic liveries
- Overhauled opponent driver AI to increase challenge and excitement all modes and scenarios
- New Rewards Multiplier tied to chosen vehicle rankings. Players will receive greater rewards for succeeding in events with lower-ranked cars within a vehicle class.
- Resolved instances of irregular object snapping in Playgrounds at Papoose Lake
- Resolved instances of missing ambient audio for multiple Playground arenas on objects
- Fixed environment bug allowing players on Greece events to fall out of the world
- Fixed instance of incorrect label for second place in Playgrounds Weekly Challenges
- Resolved issue causing players to be reset to track incorrectly on Brazil’s Rio Seafront, Turn 8
- Resolved rare instances of crashes during online play
For more details on the DIRT 5 Wild Spirits Content Pack, make sure to visit the official blog.
Don’t forget, EA Play and Xbox Game Pass subscribers can get DIRT 5 free with their subscription to the service.
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