How to Change Positions in MLB The Show 25 Road to the Show

Some players just need a new challenge.

At the start of any Road to the Show (RTTS) in MLB The Show 25, you have to select your player’s position. You can either be a positional player, a pitcher, or a two-way player capable of both. If you select the positional player option, then you also need to pick what position on the diamond you want to play. While you might be happy with your initial choice at first, an entire Road to the Show playthrough can be pretty long and there’s a chance you could get bored with the same position.

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If you fall into this category, then you’re likely wondering if it’s possible to change positions in RTTS. Fortunately, you can change positions if you want, but some caveats come with that decision. To see the entire process of going through a positional change in MLB The Show 25 RTTS, take a look at the guide below.

How To Change Positions In Road To The Show

Luckily for all of you who are hoping for a change of scenery, you can change positions fairly easily in RTTS. However, the process isn’t exactly what you would call “smooth.”

Unlike changing your jersey number or general appearance, your position isn’t something you can change from the menus in RTTS. Instead, the only way you’re able to change the position you’re currently playing is by speaking to your agent when they call you after you’ve been promoted to the Major Leagues. If you’re still in the Minor Leagues, you won’t get the chance to change positions. We have a previous guide on the best ways to get promoted from AAA quickly if you’re still in the minors.

Once you reach the Show, your agent will eventually call you on the phone and ask you if you’re happy with your current situation. It’s here where you can ask to get traded or change your position. All you need to do is tell your agent that you’re having a problem and then you can get into the specifics of what you want to change.

From here, you’ll have a meeting with your big league manager after telling your agent about your desire to change positions. Your manager asks you what position you want to change, you tell them, and then you’ll soon be playing that position.

There are a couple of caveats with this process, however. The first is that if you’re a positional player, you can’t switch to being a pitcher in RTTS. If you’re a two-way player or a pitcher, though, you can request to play the field instead of pitching.

The second caveat is that you can’t force your agent to call you in RTTS. The times you receive a call from your agent are completely random and you’ll receive fewer calls the longer you are into your MLB playing career. So, if you want to change positions, it’s best to try and do it early on, as you might not even get the chance once you have a few seasons under your belt.

Unfortunately, in some cases, your agent simply doesn’t call and ask you how things are going regardless of where you’re at in your career. If this happens to you, there is no way to change positions and you’re stuck at whatever spot you chose before you even started playing real games in RTTS.

While there is no concrete way to get your agent to call you, you also can’t call them yourself. There’s no “Dial your agent” option in any of the RTTS menus, so you really are stuck waiting for them to give you a ring during one of your off days throughout the season.

How To Get Your Agent To Call You In Road To The Show

Even though I just said the times your agent calls you are random in RTTS, there does seem to be a general trend you want to follow to have the best chance of receiving a call.

According to player reports and my own experience, your agent has a higher chance to call and check in on you if you are playing a majority of your games throughout a given season. If you’re simulating most of your games to get to the postseason, then you’re likely speeding up the entire RTTS experience and not giving your agent the chance to call you.

Also, it appears your agent’s calls are tied to your performance in some way. If you’re performing well, your agent seems to call you more often and there’s a good chance one of those calls will yield a positional change. Of course, you can perform better by actually playing in games over simulating them, as your player will have a lower OVR rating during your early seasons which affects your simulated stats.

Even if you do everything correctly, though, there’s still no guaranteed chance your agent gives you a ring at any point during your first couple of seasons. You can play in all 162 games, win the MVP, participate in all your off-day trainings, and still not talk to your agent.

Unfortunately, that’s the sole way to change your position in Road to the Show, so you simply have to hope you get lucky with your agent. If it’s been a few seasons and you still haven’t received a call, you can likely assume that you’re never getting one and your position is set in stone in the Major Leagues.

If this happens, my best advice is to simply start a new Road to the Show playthrough. It’s never fun to completely start from scratch after putting in so much time with a player, but at least your new playthrough will be in the position you wanted with your original player. Hopefully, that new playthrough will see you talk to your agent after making it big and they’ve collected their virtual paycheck.

That’s all we have on changing your position in MLB The Show 25 Road to the Show. It’s not the easiest process in the game, but the possibility does exist if the cards fall in your favor.
