How to Tell How Many Recruiting Hours You'll Have in College Football 25 Dynasty Mode

A weak part of College Football 25 is the lack of explanations for mechanics in the game. This relates to both the gameplay and modes, and so I still see a decent amount of questions about how recruiting hours and scouting hours are calculated for their teams in College Football 25 dynasty mode. It’s actually a simply formula — if you know it.

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One of the many great places out there doing the work to clear up confusion with College Football 25 is T4G Sports. They have a helpful table that explains how your preseason scouting hours and then normal week-to-week recruiting hours will be calculated. It has nothing to do with coaching trees or anything else in your control beyond the star level/prestige of your program.

Star LevelScouting/Preseason HoursWeekly Recruiting Hours
1 Star450350
1.5 Stars500400
2 Stars575450
2.5 Stars625500
3 Stars750600
3.5 Stars875700
4 Stars1,000800
4.5 Stars1,125900
5 Stars1,2501,000

You can see the real divide between the lowest of the lows and highest of highs, and so it’s a good reminder to just win, baby. Once you’ve hit that 4-star level, you’re eating good, and I think once you’re at 4.5 stars and 5 stars I almost don’t know how to spend all my points by midway through a season.

You can succeed when recruiting well before reaching those high-star benchmarks by following some guiding principles, but I would argue some of the fun is almost sucked out of recruiting once you don’t need to make many tough decisions week to week. This is probably why I like rebuilding programs and restarting dynasty mode after 5-6 seasons these days (or leaving my head coach position for a lower-tier school).

Image of Chase Becotte
Chase Becotte
Chase has written at Operation Sports for over 10 years, and he's been playing sports games way longer than that. He loves just about any good sports game but gravitates to ones that coincide with the ongoing real seasons of the NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL, and so on. As of now, he's gearing up for EA Sports College Football 25 and what should be a wild summer while still dabbling in the latest Top Spin and MLB The Show.