The rumors about Madden 22 franchise mode’s two future promised updates being canceled aren’t true, per EA. There are at least two more updates still coming to the mode. IGN’s Kat Bailey confirmed this with EA after she reached out to EA to comment on the prior rumor about the potentially cancelled updates.
We chat about this in our latest video, and also have to wonder what these updates will entail considering Madden generally goes free-to-play on EA Play a little after the Super Bowl. There are also questions about how deep these updates will be and if they will cause you to need to restart your franchise to get them.
We talked extensively about the first “major” franchise mode update back in October and how it was good to have but not worth the wait if you delayed starting a franchise. If we assume that these two other updates are “smaller” than the scouting update (which I think is fair to assume at thus juncture), then how worth the wait will these be is probably the biggest lingering question in all of this.
Either way, we’re obviously in favor of EA supporting Madden 22 for an extended period of time (especially if it’s for franchise mode stuff), but it’s still a learning process for us to see how EA handles giving these sort of “live service updates” this late in a cycle.
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