madden 22 Sliders

Madden 22 Sliders: Armor & Sword's All-Pro Sliders

Following up on showcasing Matt10’s Madden 22 sliders yesterday, I’m going to highlight two more sets today to sort of cover the spectrum of mindsets out there for how to create a franchise mode experience with sliders. Matt10’s approach I would call more nuanced and data-driven. With Armor & Sword, I would say it’s more about personalizing it for a more relaxed experience within franchise mode with specific house rules. And then with JoshC’s sliders that I will get to next, his approach is more of a DIY approach where he just gives the general guts of a system to tweak on your own.

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No philosophy is better than the other, but I find myself oscillating between groups in terms of how I seek out sliders. Sometimes I just want to be told what to do every step of the way, and other times I just want a base to use to create my own method. So below I will pass along Armor & Sword’s house rules and sliders, and you can see if they work for you as well as they have for some other members in the community. Again, I would classify these sliders as being a little “easier” by default than some other sets out there, but that is why the house rules exist as well.

Armor & Sword’s Madden 22 Sliders

madden nfl 22

House Rules

1. On defense I have now adopted and embraced playing from the broadcast camera and also use the player lock feature if I want to use a LB or DB and drop into coverage. You can player lock by simply double clicking the LS (PS5) and it will turn the camera to the defensive perspective while zoomed out so you can see All-22. In your main menu settings, have Defensive Cam selected as your default view and simply toggle when you’re in the game to the broadcast camera. Then when you player lock it will always go to the defensive cam view for your player lock.

On offense, we now have fully committed to the broadcast camera for the running game. And we also have committed to the All-22 for the passing game. Understand the sliders were tuned and locked in using these cameras, but I am confident they will work great using the defensive perspective on defense and whatever camera you choose on offense.

To use the broadcast camera zoom out method, there is a helpful video below, or you can read the way to do it here.

I also never switch on defense. This is another key component of how I develop my slider set. If I play as the MLB on a given play, I stay as the MLB all the way through until the whistle is blown. What that does is put a focus on player ratings, player awareness, and you depending on your teammates to make a play you are not involved in or away from. This also at times will strengthen the CPU and make it more of a challenge to play against them. I can tell you it is very hard playing defense this way and can lead to some ugly games if your defense is tired or having an off day.

Timely sub packages like bringing in a fresh DL is a big feature of this set. If your defense has been on the field a lot, pay attention to their fatigue levels and sub accordingly. I like to play all over the field — DE, MLB, OLB, FS, or SS — so mix it up. It is a lot of fun to play different positions, which will present more challenge and have you depend on your CPU teammates even more. I highly encourage traditional MLB-only players to drop that style for this concept. Versus the AI you will end up dominating on All-Pro if you stick to certain crutches. In obvious passing downs, play the DL. On obvious running downs, play as the LBs or a safety.

2. Use your playbook — mix up your plays and use the entire playbook. Don’t go for it every time on 4th and 1 with a FB dive or QB sneak. In other words, don’t cheese the CPU. On offense, I make it a point to really dig deep and use every play at my disposal and limit my audibles. On defense, I call all my own plays. If the CPU comes out in a 2 WR set but has a stretch TE like Gronk, by all means use the nickel so you can cover that TE.

With defensive hot routes, I use whatever my heart desires. Use your game plan tab, player focus tab, just really mix it up as much as you can and have fun with it. I think we are all mature enough here to not “cheese” the CPU. I highly encourage using the gameplay tab of your playbook as well. It has a large amount of plays in different formations to combat the other team if you are anticipating that type of play from the CPU.

I do house rules for a couple plays and hot routes as well:

  • FB Dive – limit to one per half
  • QB Sneak – limit to once per game
  • WR Hot Routes – Once per quarter
  • RB Hot Routes – Unlimited as this is an important factor for additional pass protection and safety valve strategies to counter the blitz.
  • Going On 4th Down – Just be logical here

3. When on defense, I will user pick, swat, and strip of course. I will use pass rush moves on the DL and with my OLBs. I will use my full arsenal and stick skills on the player I control without switching.

4. On offense, I will control whoever has the ball. I will use moves, jukes, etc. I have changed my view on user catching in terms of selecting the user catch type. I believe it helps you and brings out the player ratings even more. What I won’t do is take control of the WR after the ball is thrown and steer them towards the ball. The only thing I will do is potentially choose possession, catch and run (RAC), or Aggressive catch. Once they come down with it, we take control and do our thing.

5. I play with all visual aids turned off. The cleanest screen possible is what I employ for the best possible broadcast presentation and also challenge.

6. Absolutely use coaching adjustments. It’s fun and the risk reward is also great to see play out.

That’s basically it as far as approach and playing style. I truly look forward to providing a great base set of sliders at the “All-Pro level for you to play with. Please use it as a starting point to tweak to your heart’s content. Everyone has different skill levels and there is no “one size fits all” slider set. People all play the game slightly differently or may have varying levels of skills and stick skills.

Game Sliders

Human Sliders

QB Accuracy – 42
Pass Blocking – 60 (+10)
WR Catching – 48
Run Blocking – 0
Fumbles – 55
Pass Defense Reaction Time – 47
Interceptions – 15 (-5)
Pass Coverage – 47
Tackling – 48

CPU Sliders

QB Accuracy – 42
Pass Blocking – 75 (+7)
WR Catching – 48
Run Blocking – 80 (+5)
Fumbles – 55
Pass Defense Reaction Time – 47
Interceptions – 10 (-10)
Pass Coverage – 47 (-3)
Tackling – 48

Injuries – 30 (+5)
Fatigue – 60 (-7)
Player Speed Parity Scale – 75 (+21)
FG Power – 65
FG Accuracy – 42 (-4)
Punt Power – 60 (-10)
Punt Accuracy – 50 (-5)
Kickoff Power – 50


  • Offside – 80
  • False Start – 80
  • Holding – 80
  • Facemask – 80
  • Defensive Pass Interference – 80
  • Illegal Block In The Back – 90 (+10)
  • Roughing The Passer – 50
  • All other penalties are toggled “On”

Main Menu Settings

  • Heat Seeker – Off
  • Ball Hawk – Off
  • Defensive Assist – On (your choice)
  • Auto Subs All Default
  • Coin Toss – Users Choice
  • Play Call Button Layout – User’s Choice
  • Previous Play Information – User’s Choice (I play with it On to see CPU play call habits for dev feedback)
  • On Field Visual Feedback – Off
  • On Field Trainer – Off
  • Defensive Pass Coverage Visual Assist – Off
  • Receiver Visual Assist – Off
  • Drive Goals Feedback – Off
  • Franchise Bottom Line Ticker – Off (32 Team Control)
  • Franchise Gameplan Boost Notification – On
  • Coaching Tips – Off
  • Pre-Snap Menu – On
  • Player Names – Pre-snap only
  • Camera Toggle – On
  • Passing Cam – On
  • Offensive Camera Settings – All-22/Default/Zoom – I mix it up but use All 22 a lot this cycle.
  • Defensive Camera – Broadcast for pass rush and playing the run and Player Lock when playing as LB or DB/S in pass coverage
  • Volume Control (I play with Sony 3D Sound Headphones with 3D sound toggled on in PS5 audio main menu on the console)
  • Master Volume – 100
  • Auto Mix – Custom
  • In-Game Commentary – 80
  • Stadium Speakers – 100
  • Crowd Volume – 100
  • On The Field – 100
  • Music – 60
  • Menu SFX – 75
  • Graphics – Performance Mode (PS5 with a 4K HDR TV for constant 60 FPS)

Armor’s 32 Team Control Franchise Manifesto

I’m not going to relay all the information here because it’s a lot. Instead, I’ll link to the thread and you can read all of it if you want. You can also go to his Twitch channel to watch the video on it there. I don’t think it’s 100% necessary to do, but it’s certainly an added layer you can follow if you want.

XP Sliders

I have run many simulation tests in combination with different practice intensities based on our 32 Team Control Manifesto. So understand, these were tested with being able to control all 32 teams, which is far different than turning off Progressive Fatigue or allowing the CPU to control practice for the other 31 teams. If you are looking for a single team control set of XP Sliders, I would suggest taking a look at Adembroski’s or even Funkycorm’s sets. This is specifically made for 32 team control.

  • QB – 100
  • RB – 100
  • WR – 94
  • TE – 90
  • FB – 100
  • OT – 90
  • OG – 87
  • C – 92
  • DE – 100
  • DT – 95
  • MLB – 93
  • OLB – 93
  • DCB – 100
  • FS – 106
  • SS – 106
  • K – 125
  • P – 120

Someone had suggested on another slider thread and also here in setting all XP sliders to 300 in the preseason. The theory is a lot of your backups will get a ton of playing time and this can help really develop the entire league as a whole. I really like this idea and will be implementing it in my franchise. This is optional and up to you.

Bottom Line

There’s a lot to take in here (and even more if you go the full 32 team route), but this is to show how wild you can get if you want to try and immerse yourself in a franchise on a whole other level. Armor & Sword has been around a long time, and he’s invaluable both when it comes to Madden and especially MLB The Show (at least for me), so big thanks to him for all the work he does to try and improve games for others in the community.

Image of Chase Becotte
Chase Becotte
Chase has written at Operation Sports for over 10 years, and he's been playing sports games way longer than that. He loves just about any good sports game but gravitates to ones that coincide with the ongoing real seasons of the NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL, and so on. As of now, he's gearing up for EA Sports College Football 25 and what should be a wild summer while still dabbling in the latest Top Spin and MLB The Show.