From mods to sliders, the community is always looking for ways to improve Madden 24, and OS user canes21 has been tinkering with this set of sliders for months.
As most slider sets go, these have gone through various iterations and they’re another option for folks to try out as the NFL Playoffs roll on. Right now, obviously the fatigue bug is causing issues for everyone, but assuming EA fixes that at some point it will be easier to judge gameplay again. These sliders also have a version that goes with the “Competitive” game style and then another with the “Simulation” game style.
Here is canes21 to explain what he tries to get out of his sliders, and then I’ll also list the sliders after that.

All-Madden Simulation Sliders
My ultimate goal when creating sliders is to generate a challenging experience that also plays out authentically and gives realistic and believable stats at the end of the day.
These sliders, like all other sets, are not for everyone. If they don’t play out in a fun manner for you, that’s alright. There are other sets out there that I know will play well for many. There are many talented slider creators on this board.
Now, I wanted to lay out the way I play the game so you can feel free to play in a similar manner or not. Just take into account where our playstyles may differ and how that may impact certain factors in the gameplay.
First, I play no switch on defense. I control whoever the highest rated player on defense is and user them the entire game. The reason I do this is to make the higher rated players feel more impactful and it allows my 10 other teammates on the game to matter, so building a skilled defense as a GM matters more, imo.
Second, I do not do anything the CPU cannot do pre-play. So I don’t hot route, send players in motion voluntarily, etc. I audible, flip plays, and ID the Mike. That’s it. While I love all the tools EA has given us, I do not like the fact that the CPU cannot use most of the tools, so I do all I can to remove any possible advantage I can have over the CPU do to limitations in the game itself.
Third, I only call plays on one side of the ball. What this means is if I am playing as a defensive head coach, then I call the defensive plays however I see fit, but on offense I use the Ask Coach or whatever it’s called nowadays to pick my plays. I’ll scroll through the suggested plays, but that’s it. I don’t seek out specific formations and call plays on offense like I do on defense. And, obviously, if I am using an offensive head coach then I do the inverse.
Fourth, I basically super sim all special teams plays. This is for multiple reasons. One, I as a user will likely never miss any easier FG’s with how easy kicking is in the game. Two, blocks are basically non-existent again, but they do happen when super simming. Three, the CPU is in love with the idea of punting the ball straight out of bounds for 21 yards. The only times I might play a 4th down out are when it’s the game trying to kick some 60+ yard FG. I will manually punt it myself, or field their missed FG and try to get a touchback if possible to simulate them having punted. Also, sometimes the game will say the CPU picked a FG or Punt Formation on a 4th and short situation, but then the super sim plays out a normal play, so when I have a gut feeling that may happen, I just field the punt or watch their FG attempt to ensure that doesn’t happen.

All-Madden Simulation Sliders V 1.2
Game Options
15 minute quarters (personal preference)
16 seconds accelerated clock (personal preference)
Ball Hawk Off
Heat Seeker Off
Injuries: 42 (haven’t fully tested this in franchise yet)
Fatigue: 90 (still testing, auto subs not working properly)
Player Speed Parity Scaled: 95
All 95 except Face mask & Illegal Block in the Back at 55 with Roughing the Passer at 50
Player/CPU Skill
QB Accuracy: 25/20
Pass Blocking: 12/25
WR Catching : 50/44
Run Blocking: 0/50
Ball Security: 26/21
Reaction Time: 90/95
Interceptions: 20/15
Pass Coverage: 95/98
Tackling: 60/60
Special Teams are all at 50 since I sim 99% of the special teams plays.
Comp Version 1.1
Game Options
10 minute quarters
Accelerated Clock On – 20 Seconds
Ball Hawk Off
Heat Seeker Off
Injuries: 42 (really is user preference here)
Fatigue: 100 (comp has a reduced fatigue rate, so a higher value is needed)
Player Speed Parity Scaled: 100
Offsides 95
False Start 85
Holding 95
Facemask 60
Block in the Back 60
Roughing the Passer 55
Def PI 95
Player/CPU Skill
QB Accuracy: 25/8
Pass Blocking: 8/26
WR Catching : 47/45
Run Blocking: 0/99
Ball Security: 6/11(If you play Lamar Jackson, raise this to at least 15 as he seems bugged in game in my testing)
Reaction Time: 80/100
Interceptions: 16/11
Pass Coverage: 65/100
Tackling: 56/62
Special Teams – I do often sim these like I have said before, but sometimes I feel like not doing it for presentation purposes, so I have tested some values out to get a better experience here.
All default 50 except…
FG Accuracy 36
Punt Accuracy 90 (any help the CPU can get pin pointing their coffin corner attempts is needed)
Published: Jan 24, 2024 8:11 PM UTC