madden nfl 24

Madden NFL 24 Trial Available Today For EA Play Subscribers - Servers Now Online

The Madden NFL 24 trial is available today for EA Play subscribers allowing fans to play the full game for 10 hours. Just make sure you completely close out of the game prior to shutting down your system. After the 10 hour trial ends you can save 10% on purchasing the full game and all of your saved progress will be carried over.

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UPDATE: The Madden 24 servers are a mess, so make sure to close out of the app!

UPDATE: (8-15) Servers are online, team investigating PlayStation 5 pre-order content not being received.

Having issues locating the trial on the game page from your console or PC? Here are some direct links. Just make sure you’re a subscriber and logged in.

EA Play Pro members can download the full game which includes the NFL Marble Bills Gear, Josh Allen Elite Player Item, 500 Madden Points with monthly login from August 2023 to July 2024 and much more.

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Steve Noah
Steve is the Editor in Chief at Operation Sports. He's been here since 2000 posting news, features and interviews, along with keeping the hardcore sports gaming community alive and well for over two decades. He covers almost every game related to sports but enjoys basketball, football and baseball games the most.