MLB The Show 24 Achievements/Trophy List a W for Common Sense

When it comes to sports games, making an “exciting” achievements/trophy list should not be something that should be a priority. MLB The Show 24 gets this with a very straight forward achievements/trophy list to knock out.

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Last year, SDS decided to gate certain achievements/trophies behind certain modes (specifically Diamond Dynasty), which theoretically forced people to play the game a certain way if they wanted to pursue the platinum. It was a small thing, but it was a bad idea. I’m sure SDS did this to try and get folks to scope out every part of the game, but it’s not a great way to incentivize folks when you’re a yearly game with a committed base of users who know what they like and want to do at this point.

It’s also important to be consistent with certain things, and trophies for sports games should be that most of the time. You can have some fun and tie some of the goals into things from the real MLB season that just happened, but the big thing is don’t make it complex. This year’s list is very easy to follow as it’s all gameplay-related goals.

In fact, you could probably knock most of these 26 achievements out in just a couple games (except one). There does not appear to be a difficulty level (or game mode) you need to play on so you can even play on Rookie if you want to do these. We’re many years past the Golden Age of Achievements during the early years of the Xbox 360 when people would rent games that had fast ways to get 1,000 Gamerscore, but MLB The Show 24 would make that cut if we were still worried about such things.

MLB The Show 24 Achievements/Trophy List

Name of Achievement/TrophyDescription
Champion Of The Diamond!Achieve all trophies in MLB The Show 24.
Red Hot BaserunningIn a single inning steal second, third, and score with the same player.
Living On The FieldPlay and finish 24 games of at least 3 innings within any mode. (Excludes Moments, simulated gameplay, joining game moments in progress.)
MadduxUsing a single pitcher, win a complete game in under 100 pitches in a full 9-inning game. (Excludes Moments, simulated gameplay, joining game moments in progress.)
Save Some For TomorrowWin a game by 24 or more runs. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
Good Grelief
With the bases loaded and nobody out, strike out three in a row without a run scoring to end the inning. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
40/40 Watch?Hit a home run and steal a base with the same player in one game. (Excludes Moments, simulated gameplay, joining game moments in progress.)
Pure SpeedHave a runner score from first without the baseball leaving the field of play.
Walk Off, Do Your DanceWin the game on a walk-off home run.
Trading PlacesWith only a runner on second base, hit an RBI double. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
Kitchen SinkStrike a batter out by throwing at least four different pitches during the same at-bat. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
The Best Offense is No OffenseScore a run without getting a hit (have a run score off a walk, error, or sac fly). (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
Open The Tool Box
Use two bench players in a single game. (Excludes Moments, simulated gameplay, joining game moments in progress.)
Ambush!Get a hit with the first pitch of the game.
Swan Dive DefenseMake a diving catch for an out. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
Speed Or Luck Or Both?Hit a triple. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
Empty the TankGet a strikeout with no energy remaining.
Celebrity ShotDrive in a run with a pinch hitter.
Supposed To Be My Day Off
Have your closer get a one-out save. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
Chin Up Champ As a pitcher, give up a hit on the first at-bat of an inning and then strike out the next batter. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
Gotta Be Quicker Than ThatThrow out a runner going for extra bases. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
A Double Play Would Be Nice HereGet a double play to end the inning. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)
If You Stare, it Might Stay FairHit a ball that can leave the field on either side of the foul pole.
Stay in School
Watch a STATCAST presentation.
Derby Level Damage
Hit a home run over 460 feet.
Setting the ToneStrike out the first batter of the game.

If you want to follow anything else related to MLB The Show 24, hit up our FAQ for a general breakdown of everything in this year’s game.

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
    I can't remember the last time I completed every trophy, since I don't play Diamond Dynasty very much or online at all. I was already at 26% completed after the Texas Arizona game you play while waiting for the install.
    You will get them all this year without even trying it's beautiful
    Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
    I don't know about that considering my playing ability and playing style. There are at least 4 that I might not get without ''cheating'', the stolen base trophies are always a difficult challenge for me. And winning by 24 plus runs? Fuhgeddaboudit. But the good thing is when 24 is decommissioned, I still have a chance to work on missing trophies. Unlike when they are depending on the game staying commissioned to online.
    For 24 just play exhibition game on rookie and smash
    Made this a quick post on front page and filled it out a bit so fear not that the title of the thread was updated! But yeah, I noticed this as well, keep this stuff simple and they did. You can knock them all out (except the one) in like 2-3 games if you really want, but either way you'll do them naturally this year.
    Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
    I'm going to see if I can get them naturally and see where I stand in October. I suspect I will have all but the 24 runs trophy (Save Some For Tomorrow) and since I play auto fielding, the sliding catch trophy (Swan Dive Defense)going to be a challenge. If I don't have them naturally after the WS, I guess I'll cheat. Lol I'm already at 30% and I think the highest I recall having in the PS4/5 era was like 89% a couple years back. I probably have to go all the way back to pre-MLBTS14 on the PS3 when I completed a hundred percent. And the only reason I could do it then because in the Good Old Days PlayStation online was free. I have never paid for PlayStation online but I guess I will start when EA CFB25 hits shelves. The only way this years MLBTS achievements could have been better is if there had been fifty trophies.
    I got the swan drive in the second game of spring training with auto fielding so you’ll definitely get it. Totally agree with everyone though: these are awesome! Don't know my exact percentage but I’m about halfway there. Would be incredible to get the 24 runs organically but probably not going happen.
    Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
    I only have 4 more trophies to collect but it says I'm only 61% thru. What gives? Sony using fuzzy math?
    Maybe some hidden ones? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
    I only have 4 more trophies to collect but it says I'm only 61% thru. What gives? Sony using fuzzy math?
    I think they have some kind of weighting on them based on if it's a bronze, gold or silver trophy and rarity. I've noticed this on other games I've played where I have like 10 of 12 trophies but it says I have 60% complete. Sent from my SM-S928U1 using Tapatalk
    Originally Posted by mpklub
    I think they have some kind of weighting on them based on if it's a bronze, gold or silver trophy and rarity. I've noticed this on other games I've played where I have like 10 of 12 trophies but it says I have 60% complete. Sent from my SM-S928U1 using Tapatalk
    It's this, there aren't hidden trophies.
    I normally don't really care about trophies; and I've never gotten a platinum. But I got the Maddux trophy today, which leaves me five short of my first platinum. I still need:
    • Win by 24 runs
    • Strikeout the side with a reliever with the bases loaded
    • Hit a walkoff homer
    • Make a diving catch
    • Get a one-out save with my closer
    Surprised I haven't hit a walkoff homer or made a diving catch yet; I should get those eventually. And if I really wanted to go for a trophy, the one-out save would be easy.
    I was replaying an old MLBTS21 save and realized the trophy list here too has no Diamond Dynasty or onlie dependent trophies. I think I'm going to work there awhile and get the platinum, finish what I started.
    I just thought the same the other day: I played Franchise mode exclusively for about 100 games and all I miss are the one with the bases loaded without an out and the 24 runs one. I thought about forcing them now in a exercse game, but at least the bases loaded one I could get organically as well and that would be a dope moment.
    Originally Posted by piffbernd
    I Miss the flying Catch one. Remenber it was in an other year, too. It tooked ne forever
    I got it in franshise, its an Timing Thing. Im Not the best at These thing. I miss the mlb 14 rob an homerun.
    Yesterday I finally got that last pesky trophy, steal second and third, then score, same player, in one inning, and received my platinum in the process. I actually accomplished it at least twice last summer but it didn't register for whatever reason. I assumed it was glitched and I'd never get it, but thankfully I did. Interested now in seeing what the 25 trophy list looks like. I hope they don't go back to the heavily dependent on Diamond Dynasty model to get a lot of (or better yet, any of) those trophies.
    I’m just missing the 24 run trophy. I got like 19 one time. The strike out the side with the bases loaded one I got on a glitch. I can’t remember what happened exactly but the first was something fluky and then I struck out the next two batters.
    Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
    Yesterday I finally got that last pesky trophy, steal second and third, then score, same player, in one inning, and received my platinum in the process. I actually accomplished it at least twice last summer but it didn't register for whatever reason. I assumed it was glitched and I'd never get it, but thankfully I did.
    I managed to get that one early on in RTTS, and it was an AI player on my team that did it. All my RTTS player had to do was hit a sac fly to drive him in. My final trophy for platinum was Swan Dive Defense and I had to create a new RTTS centre fielder to get it. My normal RTTS player was a shortstop, but it was impossible to get at that position.
    Originally Posted by PitholeCreek
    I managed to get that one early on in RTTS, and it was an AI player on my team that did it. All my RTTS player had to do was hit a sac fly to drive him in. My final trophy for platinum was Swan Dive Defense and I had to create a new RTTS centre fielder to get it. My normal RTTS player was a shortstop, but it was impossible to get at that position.
    I usually play station to station ball and don't steal a ton of bases so I had to get out of my comfort zone getting the steal second and third then score in one inning. Stealing second is easy enough but taking third, I needed some luck. The Swan Dive Defense, I play autofield, so I myself didn't even really do anything special to earn it.
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Chase Becotte
Chase has written at Operation Sports for over 10 years, and he's been playing sports games way longer than that. He loves just about any good sports game but gravitates to ones that coincide with the ongoing real seasons of the NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL, and so on. As of now, he's gearing up for EA Sports College Football 25 and what should be a wild summer while still dabbling in the latest Top Spin and MLB The Show.