Play Now Online (PNO) is one of the more ignored sub-modes within NBA 2K20. I guess that makes sense with MyTeam and MyCareer probably being the focus of both the developers and the majority of the online user base. That being said, it’s finally received the littlest bit of attention in the form of the roster updates impacting the tiers of the teams.
At the start of the year, the tiers were as follows:
Tier 3: Bulls, Cavaliers, Heat, Hornets, Knicks, Suns, Thunder, Wizards
Tier 2: Grizzlies, Hawks, Jazz, Kings, Magic, Mavericks, Nuggets, Pacers, Pelicans, Pistons, Raptors, Spurs, TimberWolves, Trail Blazers
Tier 1: Sixers, Bucks, Celtics, Clippers, Lakers, Nets, Rockets, Warriors
After the latest round of changes, here are the new tiers, with the number in parentheses being the old tier:
Tier 3: Bulls, Cavaliers, Grizzlies (2), Hornets, Knicks, Thunder, Warriors (1), Wizards
Tier 2: Hawks, Heat (2), Jazz, Kings, Magic, Mavericks, Pacers, Pelicans, Pistons, Raptors, Spurs, Suns (3), TimberWolves, Trail Blazers
Tier 1: Sixers, Bucks, Celtics, Clippers, Lakers, Nets, Nuggets (2), Rockets
There are still a number of issues with PNO, and even the tiered system itself, but at least the PNO community got some table scraps. You could probably still argue about some of the tiers, mine being the Nets being in Tier 1 still, but that’s more a debate thing as well.
However, the bigger issue that’s correctable in quick fashion is taking some of these classic teams out of Tier 2 and 3. Those teams are on the whole just better than the other teams in those tiers, even if their rosters are not as deep. It’s one thing to know you’re going to run into the Lakers in Tier 1, it’s another to run into some classic teams over and over when you’re trying to use more “low level” squads.
Still, the PNO community got something. If you’re a big-time PNO person, you can join a bunch of the other deranged delinquents who subject themselves to this sub-mode in this thread here.
Published: Nov 18, 2019 8:26 PM UTC