NBA 2K24 goes hard in the direction of signature style (as usual with 2K), but there’s still always room for a bit more player edits, and that’s where the OS community steps up.
Soundsational, RipCity, and the feedback of various OS users leads to this project where they try to find the right look for certain players now that the new season is underway. What’s especially nice about this project is there is a Google Doc where the changes are detailed, and Soundsational also has a YouTube channel that showcases some of the edits.
This means you can track the player releases, post hops, dribble moves, and so on. This also ties in nicely with something like the OS Shoe Vault as you can really customize every part of various NBA players — short of some of the extra goodies people on PC can edit.
In short, these guys clearly love the real NBA, and they channel that passion into making NBA 2K24 look better than it already does on the signature style front.
Published: Nov 10, 2023 6:00 PM UTC