NBA 2K20 news has been trickling out the last week, but not through the regular avenues you would expect. Several 2K developers have been chiming in and answering questions on Twitter that fans have been asking. Gameplay Director Mike Wang has arguably been the most active, and has spoken about new and returning badges quite a bit. It’s definitely a sign that there will (or should) be an official info dump with badge information coming soon. I went ahead and consolidated as much of the badge information I could here in advance so the community could get an idea of the badges.
What’s New
- Needle Threader
- Relentless Finisher
- Tireless Shooter
- Fancy Footwork
- Hot Start
- Quick First Step
- Handles For Days
- Contact Finisher
- Rebound Chaser
- Worm
- Box
- Space Creator
- Deep Hooks
- Clamps
- Post Move Lockdown
- Deep Fades
- Slippery Offball
- Interceptor
- Giant Slayer
- Range Extender
What’s Coming Back
- Chase Down Artist
- Dimer
- Flashy Passer
- Pick Dodger
- Acrobat
- Volume Shooter
- Catch and Shoot
- Difficult Shots
- Ankle Breaker
Final Thoughts
Not much information has been released yet about these badges and Mike Wang did mention that a lot of the badges from NBA 2K19 will be returning in NBA 2K20. One thing to note that he mentioned within his tweets was that several badges were retooled or reworked, some which are seen under the “What’s New” section above. Make sure to stay tuned into Mike Wang’s Twitter account as he’s been posting gems over the last few days. Also make sure to stay tuned here at Operation Sports as we’ll update information as it’s released.
What are you looking forward to most in NBA 2K20? Do any of the badges listed above have you excited, curious or worried? Let us know in the comments below.
429 Too Many Requests