I’ve been playing wrestling video games for as long as I can remember, and if you ask me, last year’s installment of WWE 2K felt about as close to perfection as we’ve been with this series in many years. Sure, there were some minor bugs and fixes, but from an overall gameplay perspective, 2K23 was, as The Miz would say, “AWESOME!
We got WarGames, a slew of new gameplay improvements, and everything in between, which made me wonder: what could 2K possibly do this year to top last year’s game? Well, I’m glad someone asked because despite what may be viewed as minor changes, WWE 2K24 packs a punch.
Here’s my review of WWE 2K24 for the PlayStation 5.
WWE 2K24 Review

What I Like
Graphics And Presentation
One thing that 2K has been able to achieve since it first jumped into the sports video game market was realistic gameplay and presentation. If you want proof, look no further than the NBA 2K franchise or even any of its old games back in the PS2 days. To this day, developers are still trying to catch up with 2K in the graphics and presentation department. And while you can’t compare apples to oranges, after playing a great deal of THQ’s AEW Fight Forever, you can appreciate 2K’s more realistic approach to wrestling — and all the things that come with it.

Wrestlers feel different when controlling each of them, and their ratings matter. For example, playing as Roman Reigns will feel night and day compared to playing as an up-and-coming NXT superstar. The same can be said about legends, many of which are in 2K24. The roster has 200+ WWE superstars with different variations and attires. There are even a few unique surprises, like this year’s “Elite” Cody action figure, similar to the John Cena action figure character from last year. Some of these characters will have to be earned in MyFaction but will now be playable in the regular game as well. This wasn’t necessarily the case last year. Add in the slew of DLC on the way, and it feels like 2K24 may keep things as close to current as they ever have.
But back to the graphics, which 2K24 nails with every little detail. From each superstar’s hair to their mannerisms to how they walk to the ring, it’s all coming together. We even get to see a ton of new facial animations and camera angles this year, too. This includes new cameras for dives outside of the ring and camera angles during entrances. There are even some new custom entrances and movesets that will look familiar to die-hard wrestling fans. (Spoiler Alert: The CLEANER!!!)
New Match Types And Gameplay Improvements

Some of the most significant changes in this year’s game come in the form of new match types, many of which fans have been clamoring for. This year, players can compete in Ambulance and Casket Matches. Those familiar with the 2K series can expect things to turn into a submission battle in these. In other words, you rapidly try to tap a corresponding button to finish off your opponent. It can be fun, but after a bit the skin on your thumbs begins to deteriorate and it’s just not worth it anymore.
Other additional match types include the return of Special Guest Referee and Gauntlet matches, which, as one 2K developer put it, is a game-changer and one of their favorite new additions to this year’s game. In Gauntlet mode, you can pick from three different match types ranging from 4 to 30 participants. “Gauntlet Turmoil” (1 vs. All) can get chaotic at times, but it’s challenging to see how far I’ve been able to move up the ranks. Additionally, there are a ton of new gameplay changes that gamers will come to love.
During a match where both wrestlers were worn down significantly, my wrestler crawled to make the pin after hitting a finisher. Another time, The Undertaker hit Mankind with a tombstone late in a match, and both wrestlers lay helpless on the mat. There’s also a new “trading blows” mini-game that feels necessary in today’s strong-style type of wrestling. You and your opponent will go back and forth trying to time a meter that will cause you to deliver a strike to your opponent. Mistime and your opponent will block and return the favor with a closed fist of their own. This goes back and forth a few times before one wrestler gains momentum.

I also can’t write an article on 2K24 without discussing the little things. What I mean by that is the little things that can turn a good game into a great game. For example, you can remove Kurt Angle’s straps before applying the ankle lock, or the ability to throw weapons at your opponent. They even gave us a full roster of real-life referees and different ring announcers when there was once a time when we had neither. I could go on and on about the little things, but it’s better to let you experience some of the new additions yourself.
WrestleMania Showcase: …Of The Immortals

One of my favorite things about the recent WWE 2K games is Showcase mode. In years past, we’d get to follow the careers of famous WWE stars like Stone Cold Steve Austin, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, and many others, battling in some of their most iconic matches. The way 2K intertwines the game with reality is perfect, though I wish they’d implant commentary. Nevertheless, with so many different directions to go, I was pleased to find out that this year, WWE 2K24 would showcase some of the top matches from WrestleMania’s storied 40-year history. Yes, we’ve played some of Mania’s most iconic matches in other Showcase modes, but this was an opportunity to play and truly feel like you were a part of those moments.
Corey Graves does a great job of setting things up for each match, giving you a full background on why the battle has come to fruition. Each match has 10-15 objectives you must do throughout the contest, which you’re probably familiar with if you’ve played previous WWE 2K games. These objectives range from weakening your opponent to pulling off specific moves that trigger cinematic scenes. These scenes take you back in time and, to be quite frank, had me wanting to go back and rewatch some of the matches I missed.
Some of the early matches I’ve played include:
- WrestleMania 3: Steamboat vs. Macho Man Randy Savage
- WrestleMania 3: Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giants w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
- WrestleMania 5: Ravishing Rick Rude vs. The Ultimate Warrior – Intercontinental Championship
- WrestleMania 5: Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man
- WrestleMania 6: Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan – Title vs. Title (New Feature this Year)
- WrestleMania 8: Roddy Piper vs. Brett Hart – Intercontinental Championship

Another thing I love about Showcase is that although they do a fantastic job of setting up different objectives to achieve throughout the match, you can still move on and unlock the various incentives by simply winning the match. Speaking of incentives, this is where the joy lies in Showcase. Successfully defeating your opponent will unlock special managers, attires, and WrestleMania arenas.
Showcase is a home run this year and is the perfect complement to 2K24’s other single-player story mode, MyRise.

There are two new storylines in MyRise this year, and for the first time in a long time, I feel like players need to play through both game modes to truly appreciate the greatness that WWE 2K24 has in store. Because, in my opinion, this is the best single-player wrestling career mode that we’ve seen in quite some time.
Without spoiling anything significant, here’s a brief synopsis (in my words) of each MyRise storyline:
- Undisputed (Male CAW)
The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns steps down, and the WWE immediately holds a tournament at SummerSlam for his vacated Championship. Follow in the footsteps of your created superstar as you try to restore glory to the once-prestigious championship. But beware, there are plenty of surprises and enemies lurking around every corner.
- Unleashed (Female CAW)
My main focus has admittedly been on the Undisputed storyline, but what gamers can expect from Unleashed is equally as special. Here, gamers will begin their career as an up-and-coming women’s wrestler who made their name in the indies running the hottest promotion around. The question now is will she sink or swim when given the opportunity to make it big on the main roster?
I’ve admittedly been taking my time with MyRise, trying to savor it, but when all is said and done it might be my favorite career mode in a wrestling game to date. The storylines are fun and engaging, and the way they utilize wrestlers’ real voices adds an unmatched realistic element to the game. Best of all, there seems to be a variety of different paths you can take that will alter the storyline for better or worse.
What I Don’t Like

I’ll admit it, I roll my eyes and wrinkle my nose whenever a new “card game” gets implemented throughout sports gaming. We’ve seen firsthand what it has done to Madden and other games that have gone a similar route. But in some instances, I don’t necessarily hate the idea, especially when the game’s core modes are as good as Showcase and MyRise. That said, I still feel like MyFaction is a niche game mode that doesn’t have a place outside of a few unique attires unless you’re EA trying to make some additional money from people looking to pay their way to the top.
I’ve also had hit-or-miss experiences when playing 2K online. As you know, even the slightest hiccup or lag can cause a match to go south fast. Still, there may be a group of players interested in MyFaction, and I will say that some of the small changes are a breath of fresh air. But for me, a father of three with very little spare time, I’ll pass on MyFaction mode.
Not Enough Big Changes?

I don’t know if it’s necessarily a bad thing that 2K has become so refined over the years that there’s not much tweaking that really needs to be done. It’s something we’re starting to see with NBA 2K and have for several years with MLB The Show. Gamers want more, but sometimes, there’s not a ton more that developers can do. We get some new game modes and updated features, but if someone asked me if buying WWE 2K24 was a must-buy, I don’t know that I could say it is because last year’s game was nearly flawless to me. That said, I don’t think I’d want to miss some of the new animations and gameplay features. And let’s not forget this year’s Showcase mode or the ability to play in Ambulance and Casket matches.
WWE 2K24 won’t blow your mind with dramatic changes, but to the hardcore wrestling fan, this will be one iteration you won’t want to miss.
Bottom Line

For the second year in a row, I’ve had the opportunity to review WWE 2K for Operation Sports, and for the second consecutive year, I think a new champion has been crowned. In every aspect that WWE 2K23 excelled, 2K24 has raised it to the next level. It has everything from the sights and sounds throughout the match to the epic WrestleMania Showcase and MyRise stories. And that’s not to mention the changes made to Universe mode and MyGM that will allow gamers to run the federation with storylines of their choosing. All in all, I could not be happier with this year’s game, and I think for gamers looking to scratch their wrestling itch with the biggest Mania in decades right around the corner, this is perfect.
I don’t think there will ever be a perfect wrestling video game, but if you had to ask me which wrestling game in the last 20 years has come close, WWE 2K24 would be at the top of my list.
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