With so many of us playing sports games year after year, we build up accomplishments in our head or slowly realize what we have never been able to pull off. These “white whales” get created and we chase them but sometimes never catch them.
On OS, we have a thread specifically in The Show forum that has bounced around since 2016 where folks share these stories. The variation is what’s interesting to see in it because it oscillates between stuff that’s purely based on what happens in the game like “I’ve never thrown a perfect game” to things like “I’ve never played all 162 games in a season.”
You can even go back through the archives and see some Pedro Martinez-like heartbreaks:
“I threw a 9 inning no-hitter, but couldn’t score and lost in the 10th.”
(Poor OS user — and mod! — Jr.)
There’s even funny ones where it’s almost a question of if the game would even allow it since OS user Caulfield at one point really wanted to hit the B&O Warehouse at Camden Yards.
Some do have a happy ending though as Caulfield did eventually hit the Warehouse, just not in the original version of The Show he set out to do it. And speaking of Griffey Jr., there’s also “true posting” that sometimes happens where someone posts about an accomplishment but it’s also simultaneously sacrilegious because you can’t accept seeing a player do it in those colors:

Getting to 700 home runs in a re-written career is an amazing accomplishment, but Griffey Jr. hitting 700 in Dodgers blue is just…wrong.
Still, I think my favorite ones are the “only on OS” ones like OS user Xagoth chasing 100 walks in a season:
100 walks in a season with my RttS player. Right now through 74 games I have 47, so I am on pace! I have NEVER done it though…This is on default sliders.
Sadly, that one would end with sadness as he’d only get to 92 walks that season. Still, he got there in the end:
After years of trying, I finally did it! Not only did I catch my white whale, I blew it out of the water!
162 games, 576 ABs, 122 BBs, 78 Ks
This is huge for me since I used to be such a free swinger that I was LUCKY to get 20 walks in a season!
Oh OS, how I love thee, never stop sharing these stories.
Published: Mar 13, 2024 10:27 PM UTC